What are the best tasting pre-op diet shakes

My doctor has me using the Carnation Instant Breakfast Sugar Free Shakes with Fat Free milk. Sounds disgusting but what can we get that taste better.    — skoobeedoo70 (posted on March 27, 2008)

March 26, 2008
I actually have one of those almost every day. It is a good source of protein. Surprisingly, they are not bad at all. They don't taste weird or anything. I wish I could have had those on my pre-op diet. I had to consume these nasty things that you added water to instead of milk. They were gross. You should try one. They really don't taste diety at all. Good luck with your upcoming surgery!
   — Elizabeth S.

March 26, 2008
They are very good. I used to drink them all the time and I would also make one and put it in the freezer for a frozen treat. It is very good
   — Joanc

March 26, 2008
I use UNJURY protein. It is very good and you can check them out at They send recipes for the protein shakes and the recipes are really great...
   — dyates2948

March 26, 2008
I used the carnation instant breakfast with my pre-op diet and lost 16 lbs the two weeks before surgery. I had 3 shakes a day and a sensible lean dinner with my family with 2-3 days a week exercise (walking). The milk chocolate is my favorite and it tastes just like Nestle chocolate milk. The vanilla and strawberry I did find a bit gritty tasting. I mixed my drinks with either Fat Free Lactaid or Skim Milk. I am also using them for my Post Op drink with the glucerna milk chocolate drink. Karen
   — Karen M.

March 26, 2008
The best tasting to me and healtest I could find was Unjery from www. They will give you a 15% discount if you place an order that has a repete order associated with it each month. Bill
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 26, 2008
Most of these protein drinks or shakes will not be on the top of anyones "ten best flavors". But it's a necessity of life past surgery. If you find you might want it a little sweeter, you could opt for one of the man made sugar substitutes or use Stevia, a natural herb used for sweeteining for a very long time.
   — Dave Chambers

March 27, 2008
OMG, you can get almost anything that tastes better, and not only that, but CIB doesn't have much in the way of protein, even with the milk. Go to GNC and look at Designer Whey, which has some good flavors. I also use Chocolate Body Fortress from Walmart. This stuff is 23 gms of protein per scoop and only costs around 14 bucks for a huge canister. Read labels and you'll be able to find a low sugar protein supplements with lots of protein. I even brought my own protein powder to the hospital, because I couldn't stand the CIB. Good luck!
   — Shirley D.

March 27, 2008
Worldwide makes one already made up in cans in either 21gms or 35gms of protein, 1gm of sugar. Several different flavors. Available at Trader Joes, Vitamin Shop, or Vitamin They taste great. Good luck!!!!
   — Charlene Lewis

March 27, 2008
Pre-op...I did the HMR800 shakes. You can go to and check them out. The chocolate tasted like the triple chocolate McDonalds shake...really good. I mixed fresh/frozen fruit (strawberries/blueberries/peaches) with the vanilla flavor. I did 5 shakes a day for 2 weeks and lost 20 pounds pre-op.
   — stormi25

March 27, 2008
I used the Slim Fast Optima in Chocolate Royale flavor and it was great. Put in blender with ice, makes a good slushy! Ana Villa, R.N.
   — nursevilla

March 27, 2008
I'm lactose intolerant so my choices are pretty limited. Unjury is good (especially the chocolate) but I don't like the strawberry. They also have an unflavored one that can be added to foods, and a "hot" (can't heat it above 130 degrees) chicken soup that's really good. The other one I like is Boost Glucose Control. Good Luck!
   — obeseforever

March 27, 2008
Any of these are what I use: 1.) Champion ProScore 100 choco + 8 oz water + ice, blended (hand blender or Magic Bullet). 2.) Champion Pure Whey Stack choco + 6-8 oz water, shaken. 3.) IDS vanilla-cinnamon + "glop" of DaVinci sugar free caramel sauce + 8 oz water + ice, blended. 4.) the PWS chco + the van-cin (50/50) in about 10 oz hot water, stirred or hand blender. They deliver 30g protein, less than 3g sugar, less than 200 calories, when made with water. Lately I've been adding a shake of cinnamon to my hot ones since cinnamon fights belly fat. I always put 1 scoop of UpCal D powder in (500mg calcium citrate, 250 IU of vit D3).
   — vitalady

March 27, 2008
Hey Claudine! I really hated all the shakes. I finally found a product called Nectar, Fuzzy Navel flavor. I mix it with 16 oz water and a Crystal Light Lemonade To Go packet. It tastes, looks, and has the texture of orange juice. I ordered it from I had it in two days. Good luck. Pat
   — pjennjr

March 27, 2008
   — lehigh

March 27, 2008
I really like using the unflavored unjury with fatfree milk and I use nestles quik sugar free powder and mix it in a blender with crush ice. Or u can add a little nestles quik sugar free to the carantion drink to help the taste, or maybe a little sugar free choc. or vanilla pudding also. Good Luck because I have picky taste buds 2.
   — moosey52

March 27, 2008
They aren't discusting they are yummy!!!!! I'm scheduled for 4/8 but that isn't what is on my pre op diet but wish it was!!!!
   — bridgetann1961

March 27, 2008
I absolutely love the Atkins advantage shakes, especially the Cafe Moche & Chocolate Royale-1 gr of sugar & 15 gram of protein-I had to drink 5 a day for 2 weeks & never got tired of them!
   — leslielabranche

March 28, 2008
I use the Slimfast Low Carb shakes. It has 20g of Protien, 1 Sugar, 2 fibers and 9 fats. It takes good cold and it is EASY. No blender needed. Just pop some in a cooler and go. Good Luck
   — pjlewis1

March 28, 2008
You've already gotten a ton of opinions on this....and I'll say...I'm very picky and sensitive to taste, and the Carnation Instant Breakfast...Sugar Free with Skim milk has only 6 grams of protein, but it's probably the best tasting of any protein drink out my opinion. However, it's not going to get you the protein you need....but in comparison to most protein shakes that are much higher in protein, this does taste good. I think it makes for a great alternative on those days you just don't feel like eating first thing in the morning. It's much easier to get long as you don't have milk issues. I make it with Light Soy Milk as I'm lactose intolerant. Once again...just my I've tried all the protein shakes out there..and currently am using Carnation along with getting my protein from food and using a protein shake once a day... and that's the GNC Isopure French Vanilla Zero Carb powder. Best wishes...... Hugs...Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

June 1, 2008
I was very successful with the carnation instant breakfast. I heard such negative things...I blended 2pks. of vanilla (no sugar added brand) with my protein powder and a pack of equal and it was great!!! Real frothy and creamy.
   — Bren649

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