Mixing powdered vitamins with protein drinks...Yes/No?!?

I measured out my powdered vitamins and placed them in little ziplock baggies for our latest trip. They were difficult to dissolve in room temp water, so I tried shaking them in with my protein shake and that seemed to work a little better...My questions are: Do they lose their value when mixed and can I put them in a cup of hot water instead and still get all that I need from them? Also, can air-popped popcorn be a snack and still lose weight? I'm just 3mos. post op and still am learning what works and what doesn't...Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated!    — zoeysgrami (posted on October 24, 2006)

October 24, 2006
You didn't say what kind of vitamins you have. I'm not of the belief that you can ever get "all you need" from any powder or liquid or even multi vite, but I'm curious t know what you've got. Popcorn. When you say "snack", do you mean a scheduled one of your allotted meals (I do 4 meals/snacks/feedings)? Or do you mean your allotted ones PLUS popcorn? To me, the popcorn is not a bad thing (not at all addictive for me), so it can be one of my 4. But to make it be meal #5 would be a bad thing. You can email me privately, if you prefer. I threw a lot of stuff at you here.
   — vitalady

October 24, 2006
Actually when I asked about popcorn with my doctor he stated that sometimes kernels can get stuck. Something to think about for all of us. Still trying to get pre-approved...
   — Merredeth

October 24, 2006
Mixing vitamins with protein shake...I don't think it would be a problem but that would depend on mfg. You could go to their website and ask them if there would be an interaction with the whey protein and ingredients. I do my calcuim elemental in my Fruit 20 and my labs are good. I also do eat one of my chewable vitamins when I do my shakes as a meal. I have had very good lab work. Popcorn is a hit or miss with some people. Depends on pouch. I would make sure you got protein requirements in for the day before going to this snack. The nutrional value of popcorn is not that good for us. And limiting it would be a good thing...Carbs are not our friends.
   — dcox94

October 25, 2006
I was told the same as Denise. My surgeons nurse who has worked bariatrics for a while now told us at support group that she has seen a couple of surgerys where popcorn hulls had to be removed from the stoma. Just like kernels get stuck in your teeth and gums it can stick to the opening and then cause blockage. As much as I LOVE popcorn I don't think I want to risk it.
   — deeport

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