an any one give my some pointers on what to besides fat free yogurt,pudding and broth

   — Sylvia Clyburn (posted on April 28, 2006)

April 27, 2006
The most effective early weight loss is achieved by limiting carbohydrates; as a result, be wary of many low-fat (or fat-free) foods that actually have high sugar contents (and, therefore, high carbohydrate yields). For high protein soft foods (which seem to be what you are seeking) that can be relatively easy to digest early on (depending upon how far out you are and what your surgeon's protocol is) consider cottage cheese, ricotta and the high-protein low-carb drinks (like Isopure Zero Carb and Myloplex).
   — SteveColarossi

April 27, 2006
I don't see a question?? What are u asking for.
   — Steve Cohen

April 28, 2006
Steve, once again your response was stellar and helpful. *eyeroll* She's asking what soft foods she can eat besides the ones she listed. Dark Chocolate, if you are at the soft foods stage you should also be able to eat refried beans, softly scrambled eggs, you can still have jello, maybe even peanut butter. If in doubt, check with your nutritionist or surgeon's office.
   — nicolerod

April 28, 2006
I'm still on soft foods. I eat cottage cheese, tuna with a little reduced fat mayo mixed in, chick peas with light honey mustard dressing and scrambled eggs for my protein. Veggies- well-cooked sweet potatoes, well-cooked carrots, canned veggies, such as green beans, and spinach. Just make sure you chew everything well, even if it is soft. Oh, also applesauce, and pieces of canned pear and canned peach(in their own juice with no added sugar) for fruit. I'm on 1/4 cup of protein, and 1 tablespoon of veggie, and 1 Tablespoon of fruit per meal. I'm out 3 1/2 weeks, so I now haved tried seedless watermelon, soft apple, and soft strawberries for my fruit. Tastes like heaven. Your nutritionist probably gave you a list with all your choices and amounts. Find that and follow carefully. Good luck.
   — Jenny1

April 28, 2006
Hi again Dark Chocolate..... Of course i would alway's suggest you check with your nutritionist before going forward with food, but for myself i am on pureed / soft food also right now. i am 23 days post-op, i eat canned white meat chicken mixed w/ sugarless mayo and pickle relish (chicken salad), eggs pureed w/ light turkey sausage, lots of soft cheeses (all types), creamed soups, and of course the yogurts,cottage cheese,liquids,etc.. All i would suggest is that you keep in mind the protein grams you are taking in and the water / fluid intake is also very important !!! Take your eating very slowly so you know what things work for you, as for me i can eat almost anything and not get sick, but some people can't even eat eggs without getting their stomachs try a little at a time to test your new pouch. My doctor suggests to watch for low carbs in items and no more than 5 grams sugar per meal.(and no drinking with meals) and chew,chew,chew... Hope this helped a little
   — tiffany E.

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