I am 6 weeks post-op. I have been very disiplined with my diet, however I am having

trouble with the 30 min wait before and after eating. If i do not overeat is this ok? Can this stretch my pouch? Carol A    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 30, 2005)

November 30, 2005
Do you mean drinking water?? I have the same problem. I'm not sure but I was told it is not good.
   — Franca

November 30, 2005
Carol, it doesn't have to do with overeating. It has to do with the food passing through your stomach too quickly. Fluid mixed with food makes the food pass much quicker than just food alone. And, from what I understand, it takes a lot and a long time to stretch the pouch.
   — johare

November 30, 2005
My Dr said that the 30 minute weight was so I did not overeat. And I am referring to all drinks crystal light,water,decaf tea etc...
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 30, 2005
I was also told that you should eat and drink at the same time because the food passed through too quickly. I know if I do then I get diarhea
   — *Malena* M.

November 30, 2005
My understanding is that it is most important to wait 30 after eating, since fluids pass thru the pouch quickly. The reason they want us to wait after eating is that we will feel satisfied longer. I bought me a small timer to time the 30 minutes. It has helped and it doesn't seem as long if I don't have to constantly look at the clock to see if I can start drinking again.
   — MonicaCarr

November 30, 2005
I know your getting alot of answers but heres mine...It was explained to me that they wanted me to wait the 30 min before so I would be able to get all of the food I needed in without my pouch being partially filled with fluids already...which would make me overeat to get in the amount of food I was suposed to eat...with the 30 minutes after...its like the previous posters said...dilutes your food ans basically washes it out of your system. I too was having trouble with this but I asked my doctor and he said sipping on liquids (tiny sips) while you eat is fine...just dont really "drink" alot... I dont drink really before I eat...but I do have to take a tiny sip afterwards... If Im feeling particulary thirsty...I kind of decrease my food portion just a little because I know Im going to want to sip a little more. I guess they dont want our pouch full of water..or whatever liquids and us be too full to hold our amount of food without stretching our stomachs out....make sense? Tryna (Im about 5 weeks out) :)
   — Tryna J.

November 30, 2005
I too have issues with the drinking after eating. My doctor stated that since our digestive juices in our stomach's are reduced if we drink it takes that much longer for the food to digest, therefore the chances of our pouch swelling increases and each time after that. I have gotten myself into the habit of drinking before I eat. This helps me because sometimes I want to eat instead of drink water. If I drink the water and the feeling goes away then I know I was thirsty and not hungry.
   — 1968 Loser

December 1, 2005
4. do not drink with meals 30 minutes before or after meals. This may overload the stomach causing nausea and vomitting, and also may cause expansion and rupture of the stomach. I just went to my final nutrition class and the handout I received had the above written as to why one should not drink 30 min. before or after a meal.
   — myspell

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