
My surgery is scheduled for June 30th now I know that is 16 days away and I have time to get better but I am being treated for strep throat although the rapid strep test came back neg so they sent a culture but I do not know the results of that yet. I am on an antibiotic and I am taking it correctly yesterday I felt better but now today I am back to feeling lowsy I know I should probably give it more time but I thought I would have seen much more improvement by now. Do you think I will be okay to have my surgery maybe I am just being paranoid right now I need some advice.    — jnmcneil (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
I hate to tell you this but you can not have surgery if you have any type of infection. This brings your white blood cell count uo and the doctor will no do any surgical procedure if it is high. Make sure you treat it fast.
   — Justin F.

June 14, 2003
I was in the hospital with COPD and pneumonia just 5 wks before my WLS. My primary doc knew I was scheduled for WLS so he had me pumped full of antibiotics and steriods because I was so upset my surgery would be canceled. I know if you have an active infection, your surgeon probably wouldn't want to take the chance of doing your WLS. Hopefully, you are taking antibiotics to clear up your problem quickly. Good luck to you.
   — suehorn

June 14, 2003
I had surgery with a UTI and a cold? allergies? They never did figure out what I had. (congested, coughing lots & slight sore throat) Good luck!
   — Lori A.

June 15, 2003
I had a cold the 2 weeks before surgery and even during my pre-surgery testing the week before I had the DR. give me meds to help me. I had a terrible time in recovery with the inspirometer and had every repiratory therapist in my room torturing me with breathing treatments and various machines. I also had to have blood drawn every day because of the white blood count. Every person that came in my room was afraid I was going to get pnemonia. I didn't. They even did chest erays on my the second day of recovery to make sure I hadn't. I was told after surgery, I probably shouldn't have had it that day and I was at a higher risk. My advice would be to call the doc and ask his opinion.
   — Heather M.

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