I had the lap band about 2 months ago, i am feeling very tired all the time.

I am taking my daily vitamins but I have stopped all other supplements, and protein shakes. Do you think that I need to start on the supplements and shakes again, or is this normal.    — bstockdale (posted on October 29, 2009)

October 29, 2009
I feel tired alot too. My doc says it's because i'm not eating eating enough protein. I have tried to only eat protein and i feel worse. Not sure whats going on. I don't have the energy to exercise either. I had surgery 7/9/09.
   — toni5569

October 29, 2009
Are you sure your not overdoing things? With our busy lifestyles, it is very easy to try to spread ourselves too thin. Remember, you are still healing, and make yourself a priority.
   — ladybugtx18

October 30, 2009
you are still healing from surgery. You really should be taking a good protein supplement
   — Donna O.

October 30, 2009
You need to get your protein and other suppliments. Even the Energizer Bunny needs batteries! You might also want to start a B 12 sublingual. That helps with the energy. Also, when I got lazy and stopped taking my extra protein (I use shakes), my hair started falling out. Maybe that will be an incentive for you, too!
   — jtoothman

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