6 months post op.. and I'm experiencing hair loss..

Hello, I have recently been experiencing hair loss and biceps pain.. Has anyone gone through this before? if so, what is a good remedy to cure this? My arms are so painful that i can't lift them up above my head.. just wondering if this is normal.    — pleal184 (posted on June 7, 2009)

June 7, 2009
Hair loss is not uncommon - mine started after 4 months out. I was in tears several days to see my scalp through my thinning hair. That was about a year ago and my hair looks about as healthy as it ever did, even pre-op. Make sure that you are getting your protein and vitamins. My Surgeon also advised Biotin (B7) daily. My dermatologist told me that when there is trauma to the body like WLS there can be a loss, the follicles "fall asleep" for a while then the hair can come back but most of the time finer than it was originally. As for the muscle weakness and pain, make sure you check with your doctor in addition to taking all necessary vitamins.
   — AuntPamcakes4six

June 7, 2009
I'm dreading the potential hairloss myself. In my post op diet plan my surgeon/NUT says hairloss happens due to inadequate amounts of protein but I've heard a lot of reasons and treatments here on the board. I think it just happens no matter what you take and/or eat but I would opt for increasing my protein over a supplement that could cause hair growth because they aren't smart enough to make a pill that will grow hair on your head only (think legs, underarms, etc). It will grow back as long as you eat properly and get your vitamins in. As far as your arms, I've heard that muscle pain can be a sign of potassium deficiency. My husband experienced bicep shortly after his BP meds were changed to a different drug. He began drinking OJ every morning with his meds & eats 1 orange a day. Voila, no more pain within just a few days. Bananas are a good source of potassium too. But if you're not on any meds and you can rule out strenuous exercise or weight lifting as a cause then see your PCP to rule out other possible vitamin deficiences.
   — Arkin10

June 7, 2009
hello, I am 8 months p/o...and mine started falling out 2 months ago. and boy when it started, i thought i would be bald in a few was make matters worse, my hair was past my butt in lenth...i had to cut it off to 3 inches above my waist...i cried for days, and that is the first time i had ever had doubts about the surgery. of course i knew it would fall out, just was not prepared for how much at one grows back really fast...yea i know, how can it fall out and grow back fast??? who knows, but it does. i am still losing some , but at least it slowed down. be prepared, but remember, everyone is diffrernt, and yours may not fall out like mine did... god bless, and good luck
   — daizi55

June 8, 2009
hey, i forgot...protein is very important, and make sure you get them vitamins, b12 and calcium in i take Biotin...5000mg is about 10.00 at cvs, brand is natures bounty....super potency...the dr. said this is why my hair grew back in so fast.... lots of luck, and don't get happens to the best of us...but in the end...we feel better, are in better health, and look dang good...except for some lose
   — daizi55

June 8, 2009
Patty, I started loosing my hair at 4 months post op. It never really started coming back until almost a year. Like everyone above said - get protein. My brother is a doctor and he told me that it's a matter of distribution. You're only getting so much protein and the body has to distribute it and decides that it's more important to give the protein to heart, liver, muscles, etc. before it gives any to your hair. As a result, your hair falls out. It will come back. A friend of mine had her hair come back in curly!
   — Muggs

June 10, 2009
Hi, You will have hair loss for awhile, but you won't go bald. I started to use a shampoo called Nioxin. It really makes your hair feel fuller and thicker. I have very fine hair and I love this shampoo. You can buy it at a beauty salon. They call it scalp treatment and/or therapy. Give that a try for a few weeks and you will see a difference. As for the shoulder pain, that is where I started having muscle pain and then I was diagnoised with Fibromyalgia. I am not saying you have it, but as that is one of the symptoms, is muscle pain for no reason. I couldn't lift my arm up and I lost a lot of my strength. Check into the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. A trauma to the body (surgery, stress, accident) could bring on this condition. It isn't from the bypass itself. I hope my answer helps you out. Best wishes to you.
   — Kristy

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