What is the wait time for RNY in Ontario(Toronto)

   — stillch (posted on March 9, 2009)

March 9, 2009
Hi there. I am a manitoba resident. This province does not perform gastric bypass yet. I was referred to Dr. David Starr March 08, saw him in May 08, attended several appointments such as dietician, social worker, internal medicine consult, feeding class since may of 2008. I am having my RNY on March 13, 2009, thats this friday!!!! So that sums it up to about a year but i understand things have changed since than and you must be referred to the Humber River Regional Hospital, Bariatric program now, so i am not sure how long it takes now.
   — sassy1696

March 9, 2009
I have good health insurance (thank, God) and I still had to wait almost a year. After six months of doctor's supervised diet and all the meetings you mentioned it was still almost a year here in the states.
   — Muggs

March 9, 2009
I live in Windsor, and I went over to the states to get RNY done (Jan. 12, 2009). When my family physician and I started looking into this back in May 2008, the feedback he got was that the waiting lists hear in Ontario was 5-7 years. Supposedly, there are only a few surgeons in Toronto that will do this surgery. OHIP covered the costs as out of country surgery. The waiting for my approval was about 3 months. Hope this helps some.
   — skneminnee

March 9, 2009
I was told back in 2007, that there was an 8 year wait here, but I understand that the Ontario Goverment is opening up 4 hospitals in Canada, one being in Toronto and one in Guelph that will be soley doing barriatric Surgery. When that will be implemented I don't know. Ohip paid for me to go toMichigan for mine in June 2007. Good Luck
   — shelleyjean39

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