I had gastric bypass surgery 19 months ago and have lost 221 but in the past few days

I have had a problem with severe burning in the top of my stomach. I have had to take 2 (40milligrams) of Nexium a day for the last two days and it seems to help until I eat or drink something. I also noticed it after I took my centrum mulitvitamin which is not chewable. I wonder if anyone else has had this problem and should I contact my doctor about this as I do have a visit coming up about the second week in November. Any help would be appreciated.    — TrevaDeck150 (posted on October 20, 2008)

October 20, 2008
You should contact your doctor. Maybe they can have your visit scheduled sooner. Do you take your vitamin with food? You may have to do that. Blessings, Anita
   — ap2008324

October 20, 2008
At least call the nurse or email them, and tell them, they want you to come in sooner, good luck. carman
   — carman

October 20, 2008
Just a quick comment. I had RNY July 16th, 2008. I did start to experience some pain just below my breast bone. My surgeon sent me to have an abdominal ultrasound Oct 10th. I had to have my gall bladder removed on Oct 15th. I was told that a lot of people who have had WLS and still have their gall bladders have a good chance of having to have it removed. I am 6 days post-op and I feel so much better. So if you still have your gall bladder have it checked out just to be cautious.
   — myneau

October 21, 2008
No easy answer when it comes to sudden onset of pain...The best idea is to see your surgeon and let them handle this...Pain is warning that something is not right...Hopefully it goes away on it's own...But two days is my limit before I call a doc...unless it is severe...and you did use that word in your description of pain...So go...make a call! Let us know what you find out! Be well! I hope it's a simple fix! By the way, vitamins in pill form are famous for causing pain in a tender pouch with no acid to break it down. It just sits there and irritates and can even cause ulcers eventually. I use a chewable that I still have to eat a little with because it burns without something in my pouch...Oh and CONGRATS on a HUGELY successful and awesome weight loss number! WOWEE! That's fantastic! Now go get rid of that pain!
   — .Anita R.

October 21, 2008
Treva, many people get indigestion after surgery, and you should talk to your surgeon about that. Be careful what you eat and drink, and if your vitamin is not working for you, there are plenty of them that will, so change it up and see what is working for you. You also may be developing a gastric ulcer which is not uncommon for wls patients. I have one and am 5 years out. It will be my buddy for life, I am afraid, but I do have one. They are controlled with medication, I use protonix when it acts up, and nothing when it is calm. You are doing well, keep up the good work and talk to your surgeon, but I personally think November is fine, it does not sound like an emergency, but if you begin to vomit or have unusual problems with the burning, call him right away. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

October 21, 2008
From what I understand, all Medicines should be in chewable form or liquid. If not then they need to be crushed. And If you swallowed this multivitamin whole you may have scraped something. I have been told that pills that have not been crushed or in liquid or chewable forms will lay in the pouch and eat away the lining where it sits and cause more trouble. Please contact your doctor and get in to see him/her right away.
   — kj_bluejaye

October 21, 2008
It probably is taking the multivitamin whole and it irritating your pouch... especially if you take it on an empty stomach which is never recommended. I would recommend either a chewable (I like Bariatric Advantage) or a liquid vitamin. I used to take Centrum and they are pretty big, too big for our stomas. Keep taking the Nexium and call your doc asap. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 21, 2008
First, you are wasting your time and money taking Centrum pills. Only 10-15% are absorbed, the rest gets passed thru, and/or causes damage to stomach. Need to take a good "liquid" vitamin / mineral supplement like VEMMA. Has 1000 IU vitamin D3, very important. Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 21, 2008
I am 3 and 1/2 mo. post op and have your exact same symptoms, called my Dr., and he's pretty sure it's an ulcer, he started me on medication for it and I hope it gets better soon. Are ulcers a terrible thing to have? Do they go away after treatment? I didn't get into this with my Dr., I'm gonna go see him after a 2 week treatment and ask all these things.
   — tovagui

October 23, 2008
I wouldn't wait that long to see the Doc. I was told that anything that may indicate an acidic stomach, acid reflux etc could seriously damage what little stomach we have left and if that happens we could be in real big trouble. SEE YOUR DOCTOR AND ASK FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE!!!
   — Duckie

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