
I am post op lapband 4/28/08. So far I have lost 25 pounds. I feel I should have lost more. Part of my problem is that my brain still wants bad food, but I know I should be eating healthier. Sometimes I eat, and I am still hungry 2 hours later. I go back for my 3rd fill in 9/03/08. My sister says I need a fill to reduce my hunger. I hope she is right because I need more control. I do have better control of my eating, since the surgery, but I wish I had the full feeling I had after I initially has the surgery.Sometimes I wish I would have gotten gastric. Any suggestions, please help    — savoy7658 (posted on August 17, 2008)

August 17, 2008
I had a RNY so I can be much help except to say that I know some in my support group that have had Lap ands have gone back for more fills, more often to make it more dificult to eat much at a time. They are frustrated from the progress they see By Pass Patient make, but you need to do all you can to be sucessful with the choice that you made. I know one lady that has lost 90% of her weight with a Lap Band. She told me tht she insisted her doc do the fills evertime she had a promblem losing for more than 2 weeks. I wish you the best of success and I can tell you that Gastric By-Pass has it bumps on the road to success as well. I am happy with my choice to do it, but it is not all roses either.
   — William (Bill) wmil

August 17, 2008
I had lap band 4-16-08 and I am down 45 pounds and lots of inches. I understand about the hunger, but my doctor told me to be alert as to what hunger I am, head hunger, or hunger hunger. The head hunger gets me but not as much as it used to. I have had two fills and I have 5ccs in my band. I just saw my doctor the 6th of August and he said I was doing great and if I start getting hungry (all the time) to call and come back so I can have another fill. My surgeon said it takes 3-5 fills (at first) to get it right and don't get disappointed or decouraged. Different people requires different amount and what works for one, might not work for the other. I don't cheat very often, but my doctor says everyone does it but if I want something, eat some of it and the craving will be gone and don't do it very often. I don't and stick to the diet and exercise program that is for me. I do water aerobics 3-4 times a week. I am happy about my weight loss and the clothes that I can get into. Just remember to see if it is head hunger or hunger hunger when you eat. Good Luck
   — dyates2948

August 17, 2008
You are doing great, remember we are striving for a slow, steady long term weight loss here. I have also noticed that there is something about that 3rd fill that really hits the "sweet spot" with a lot of people. They really get a significant amount of restriction to where they can eat very little and be completely satisfied. Also, a very important word that should now be number one in your vocabulary is "satisfied" or "satiety". Get rid of the word full. Eat until you are satisfied, not full. Especially when you get a lot of restriction, if you eat until you are full, it might be painfull and cause sliming and vomiting. I know exactly where you are coming from in wondering if my decision for LapBand was the right one... I started at 402#, I have lost 135# so far and have a ways to go. I think of how much closer I might be if I had done a different surgery. But then, I remember why I chose the Band as it was the right surgery for me and my long term goals. That is what it is all about, long term success and life long health. If you can keep that in mind rather than immediate success... you'll do great. I also recommend avoiding weighing every day. Once a week or only at your doctor's office on the same scales helps as well as weight can fluctuate so much. When you are hungry, really stop and think if it is head hunger or physical hunger and note what you are experiencing at the time. Is it meal time, are you depressed, stressed out, bored, lonely? Decide what it is and deal with it appropriately and if you are hungry... eat protein and veggies. Also, a big thing for me was to finally learn and buy into the fact that food is for fuel ONLY! It is to keep me alive and healthy and can't ever cure any of my problems. I have a before picture laminated that I carry on me at all times and on the back it says: Food is for fuel... only. Am I really hungry or is it something else? Deal with issues. Cut yourself some slack, you're doing great. 25# is a lot. Go to the grocery and pick up that much in bags of dog food or potatoes.... IT IS A LOT!!!! Don't sell yourself short.... you're doing it!!! Keep up the great work. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

August 18, 2008
You are currently experiencing what is known as Bandster hell :-) The time between surgery, healing & adequate restriction with your fills. Absolutely normal. 25 lb is actually very good. Give it time. Once you hit better restriction you will do much better. Donna banded 4/19/07, lost 98 lbs so far
   — Donna O.

August 18, 2008
Hi Janice. You're doing great with your weight loss - slow and steady wins the race. I was banded on 4/29/08 and as of 8/15/08 I am down 41 pounds - - I was hoping for more, but when I think about it, that's a good weight loss in 3 1/2 months - better than I have ever done before in that time frame. Before my first fill on 6/26/08, I was constantly hungry and as I like to say "I could clear out a buffet table" with no problem! So my doctor filled me 2 cc - - that fill worked for a couple of weeks and I lost 8 pounds - but for about the last three weeks, five pounds came back on and I was so upset. My next appointment was this past Friday, 8/15/08 and I had only lost three pounds! So I got another fill of 1 1/2 cc and it has done the trick. Believe me, you don't want that full feeling - you want the satisfied feeling. Are you slowly and enjoying your food? Are you getting enough protein to sustain you? We can't compare ourselves to bypass patients - they are two different procedures. We may not lose our weight as fast, but in the long run, our total weight loss will be similar. Keep up the good work! Nancy
   — Monte57

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