Do you feel restriction with RNY?

I had my Lap band removed in January.I had the band for 4 yrs lost some weight but began having pain , vommiting several time a day etc.(That was MY experience please everyone who is doing well keep up the good work).I plan to have RNY(open) .DO you feel restriction like the the BAND? Also ,my brother and sister in law don't want me to have the RNY(nervous) but I MUST do this for ME! Did anyone have issues with family members? Thanks in advance for responses .(please respond!)    — Lori M. (posted on February 18, 2008)

February 18, 2008
Lori - I had Open RNY at Geisinger Danville om 9-14-07, I was over 370, and today I am 280! I have had NO complications, my surgeon told me that he only does open because he likes to see what he is doing. I was up and walking the same night, and I haven't looked back. Good for you - I'll tell you this - take it easy, it hurts, but don't be shy to take the pain meds, and after a week, you are ready to go and overdue it! Just relax, this is better, in my opinion, and you will love it!
   — 29Diesel

February 18, 2008
I had RNY on January 3, 2008. I had no complications so far and would do it again. My husband had a hard time as well as some of my family, but for the most part they were excited for me as well. It is a risky surgery, but if we don't do this for ourselves, our lives are at risk in a bigger way, in my opinion. You are the one that has to make the sacrifices and changes, so listen to your heart. They will eventually come around. Good luck with your surgery! It is well worth it in the long run! LaDonna Locke
   — ladonna08

February 18, 2008
I had rny on 10/12/07 and I am down 100 lbs I have had no problems what so ever . I can tolerate any food except rice I have never dumped I consider myself blessed. I can tell you one thing my wife and family were nervous but they all understood why I needed to do it. We had just adopted our presious little baby girl in march and at 470 ther was no way I could tell my little girl that I would be here for her to see her grow up. I will let you know that it was a very very very rough emotional roller coaster the 2 weeks leading up to the surgery because I knew the risk of the surgery and the thought that I might not be here for my wife and new baby killed me, I did alot of crying belive you me. today my primary doc took me off all my meds, blood pressure med and atenolol I understand your familys concern it is a risky surgery so good luck on what ever you do...........
   — biglou

February 18, 2008
you definantely feel restriction with RNY!!! i had my surgery on Oct.1st, 2007 and i have lost 61lbs to date. it was the best decision i have ever made as far as my health is concerned.(feel free to read my profile) it is definantely risky as well as many things in life. i have not had any problems. you need to weigh the pros and cons and make your decision based on those. it is 100% normal for your family to be nervous and worried because they love you, but it is a decision you need to make for yourself and only you will control how well you do afterwards. good luck and feel free to email me anytime with questions and/or concerns. hope this helps..Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

February 18, 2008
You know what's best for you. If your family has a deep gut feeling that something may go wrong, listen carefully to their concerns. If they just don't understand, direct them to some empowering stories here on the OH website. Sometimes we need to make drastic moves to get drastic results. Perhaps they are relating to your experience witht the lap-band. Anyhow, the decision lies in your lap and yes some family members will have legitimate reasons, but you know what's best for YOU!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 18, 2008
Lori, I had my RNY 3 months ago, and it was doun Laproscoply. I had some pain on the left side in the hospital, and it took me a few days to get use to the liquid diet when I got hom, but I have never felt better and had more engery in my life. My weight has melted off. The first month until you start and get use to solid foods, is dificult at times, but now, I am use to eating 3-5 ounces per meal, and I work out at the gym 1-1/2 hours a day, every day and love it. Attend a few surgeons seminars to find the right doc for you. My doctor had the surgery himself 10 years ago and is a walking testomoney to its sucess. Best of luck to you. Write if you have other questions. You will not regret taking this step. By the way, I did RNY because I have three Freinds that all have not lost much after a year of having a Lab Band.
   — William (Bill) wmil

February 18, 2008
I am 4 years Post Op. Open RNY'er. My husband was deathly afraid but knew I not only wanted the surgery desperately but I needed it to be healthy again. 315lbs down to 165 lbs and holding. You are restricted with RNY and your pouch will stretch and you will be able to eat like a regular small person after a few yearswhen you will have reached your final plateau and at that point will have totake over and still follow pouch rules in order to maintain your weight. There seems to be a normal 10-20 lb regain in many people. (But not all) If you try to push the rules and eat things that you shouldn't or try to eat more than you can...or begin bad habits like drinking w/ can and will gain weight in a few years. It's extremely important to remember your pouch is only a tool to assist you in the major weight loss in the first two years. If you do not abuse the rules, it will continue to work to HELP maintain your weight...and it's not easy if you are not eating properly. It's ultimately up to you, but you will have two years practice! Understand that and the pouch rules that your doctor gives you and you will have success! Can you do that? Then don't worry what anyone else thinks...It's your body and your health at risk, not theirs. Good luck in your decision...
   — .Anita R.

February 18, 2008
I too have had both procedures done, please email me at [email protected] and I will answer all of your questions, I will say that it was the best thing i have ever done, but drop me a line since I do not check my email here very often. I too had a husband who did not want me to have the second surgery, so please make a list of questions and fire away at me, I love to help people who have or are thinking about changing, take care and look forward to hearing from you. Diane
   — noboat4u

February 18, 2008
I lost 150LBS with RNY. It was the best thign I ever did. Adk your family if they want you around for a long time. The risks of comorbidities are far greater than the risk of surgery. I think everyone has issues with family members. Take them to a meeting with you. Let the professionals talk to them and if they dont want to go then they dont care as much as they say they do. Maybe there just jealous your going to look better than them.
   — Joanc

February 18, 2008
best thing to do is to tell your brother and sister in law that you are going to have it done wth or wiht out their blessing. when I had my done, only my husband knew what they were going to do until I went in for surgery.
   — Sheba

February 19, 2008
Hi Lori, I had LapBand over 6 years ago, and tho I did lose weight, I had TERRIBLE reflux and the band had to come out last July. Then I had RNY in late August. You do NOT feel the restriction you do with the Band. You just get full. I wish I had done the RNY from the beginning. GOOD LUCK! Do it for YOU! Ronda
   — Jasnsma

February 19, 2008
I am nervous about RNY because of dumping and malapsorption - what about VGS
   — Deealicia

February 20, 2008
Have you research the VSG? You might want to check it out. Pat
   — pjennjr

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