Did anyone have to fast for 2 days prior to surgery?

If so if I forgot one out of the 2 days should i call my doctor? What helps battle the hunger?    — sindeeg (posted on March 11, 2007)

March 11, 2007
call surgeon and let them know! Being empty makes for easier safer surgery espically if your LAP. Fasting is hard but just think your on your way to a new thinner healthier self!
   — bob-haller

March 11, 2007
You certainly should call your surgeon. You have probably packed your small colon with food....and thats the part of your colon which is going to be operated on. Have you seriously considered how you will follow doctor's recommendations after surgery if a 2 day pre-surgery prep is impossible for you? Wishing you good luck.
   — midaem

March 11, 2007
I didnt have to fast my surgeon told me to take the magnesium citrate at 3 pm the day before then to go clear liquids till 6 pm that night and nothing after 6 pm........ The citrate will clean ya right out so you wont have to worry about your colon being filled lol.

March 11, 2007
My surgery is Wednesday, March 14th and my surgeon just wants me to be on a clear liquid diet the day before.
   — Samantha_1975

March 11, 2007
Yes I had clear liquids for 1 week prior- it helps to shrink the liver and pull stored blood sugar out and start to melt some of the fat. It was a bit tough but I just tried to keep a positive outlook and besides I lost a cool 10 pounds before surgery. Have sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, chicken, veggie and beef broth and herbal tea. Think of what is before you not what you are missing. On another side I have had no complications where my friends who ate until the night before surgery have had complications. Good luck you will be in my prayers. Donna 11 mos post op 286/140.
   — dabby

March 11, 2007
I had to do the liquid diet two weeks prior to surgery. Maybe they could recommend some type of bowel cleanser, I know from personal experience that the Fleet Phospho Soda works great to clean the bowels out!
   — jlw0423

March 11, 2007
I am 4 months out from RNY surgery and if I remember correctly we were told to have a real good breakfast the day before surgery and to have something that you know you were going to miss for awhile (if that meant pizza, then have it) then for lunch you started a liquid diet (broth, sf jello, sf popsicles, anything that was clear. You could have all you wanted of the clear liquid and then after midnight nothing at all. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this was Dr. Evanson's rules from St. Vincent's, Carmel, Indiana.
   — Virginia M.

March 11, 2007
the whole purpose of the clear liquids, stimulants, and fasting is to completely clean you out prior to surgery. there is alot of resecting during the procedure and if you are not completely clean, the waste can spill out into the abdomen and can cause SERIOUS problems/infections! some people tell you they ate a full course meal up until the night before surgery and had no problems, but they were lucky and you do not want to take that chance. please take it very serious and call him to let him know, he may just tell you to take a stimulant combo of some sort or maybe just put the surgery off a day or so, but it is very important to let him know and also let him know what you did eat. hope this helps, holly carson
   — RNlvnCARSON

March 12, 2007
I had to fast the day before -- well liquid diet and had to drink this fleet stuff at noon which sends you to the bathroom about 6 times and you are on clear liquids for the remainder of the day and of course nothing after midnight. Every surgeon is different about the days or even weeks before surgery -- so I'd have to concur with the previous posters -- contact your surgeon.
   — the7thdean

March 12, 2007
Your lucky only having to fast for 2 days, imagine 2 weeks!! I had to fast for 2 weeks which was very hard at first, I found that high protein-low carb Slimfast worked great to help with the hunger being I was only able to have liquids. It also helped me to achieve losing those few extra pounds I needed to before surgery. Hope this helps, Good luck in your journey, best wishes for a fast recovery. Hugs Jackee LAP RNY 6/16/05 -120lbs and way past goal :)
   — sassychick247

March 12, 2007
Yes you should call your physician. If he wanted you to fast, then you need to follow his recommendations. Fasting prior to surgery is the surgeons preference. I know two, very good surgeons who do not require their patients to fast prior to surgery. It all depends upon the surgeon. And yes, they both have excellent outcomes.
   — anyce

March 12, 2007
2 DAYS!?!? 2 DAYS?!?!?! I had to go 2 WEEKS!! As did everyone else I know through my doctor. 2 days sounds long, but its not that bad. You can do it! Its more mental than anything.-Heather
   — tazthewiz23

March 12, 2007
You should probably call your surgeon, but honey you are not hungry, you are anxious. Drink tea, water, and I drank cranberry juice (2 small bottles a day) to beef up my urinary tract area to protect it from infection from the surgery. It is normal to be anxious, but you are not hungry. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

March 13, 2007
no, I could not eat anything after midnight the night before. paulette
   — paulettehill

March 15, 2007
Please let your doctor know before hand. My idea of fasting = no food/drink and only water Is this what you are supposed to be doing? Or are you supposed to be just consuming liquids? Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

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