What 9 doctors do you need to see before the op?

I have my first consultation set for April 12th and I was told that I will need to visit 9 different doctors to complete the process and get approved. I know a few of them, but a list of exactly what type of doctors and tests would help before I meet the surgeon, so I know what to expect.    — teammatty (posted on March 31, 2006)

March 31, 2006
Hello Donna, I am sorry but I am not familiar with the 9 doctors that you are referring to. I saw my primary doctor for a consult to see a surgeon, I saw a psychologist for my psych eval, I saw a nutritionist, and of course I saw my surgeon. Unless whomever you spoke with is referring to specialists for specialty test, that is the only other physicians I can think of. Some people may see a cardiologist for a stress test, A sleep therapist, and or even a orthopedic doctor if you have document mobility problems but not all people see these doctors. Did someone tell you this info or did your insurance company tell you it was required?
   — Tiff's On a Mission

March 31, 2006
Hi - Wow, I have never heard of nine doctors. The only doctors that I saw were my surgeon, primary care pysician, and a psycologist (based on what my insurance company required). I would check with your insurance company to see what they require of you before your consulation. Hope everything works out for you! Sandi - Michigan
   — Sandi E.

March 31, 2006
I saw my PCP for blood work, a pulmonary specialist, a psych, and the surgeon. My surgeon's office provides nutrition classes through them. I have also heard of people seeing cardiologists, sleep specialists, etc. It may depend on your health and your situation. Good luck!
   — nicolerod

March 31, 2006
Hi this is a list of Dr.'s that my insurance company required me to see. PCP Surgeon Pulmonologist Gastroenterologist Nutricionist Sphycologist Cardiologist Which total 7, additional to this you have to get A sonogram of your gallbladder and lower extremitis (the results of which is examined by another Dr. that forwards the info to your surgeon and pcp) that's 8. And you need a sleep test that the pulmonologist will send you on (this sleep test gets evaluated by another Dr.) that's 9. Hope this helps.
   — Ulises Robles

March 31, 2006
I didnt' have 9 docs either. Here is my list of professionals I saw: PCP, Surgeon, Nutritionist, Psychiatrist and I will have my pre-op testing done at the hospital 2 days prior to surgery.
   — classite

March 31, 2006
holy cow! 9 drs.??? I saw my surgeon, and the week before surgery I had a preadmission test day, I saw the internal med Dr. who clears his patients, had labs, met w/ a dietician, and respiratory therapist who instruced me on breathing exercises. That's it. Nobody else.
   — **willow**

March 31, 2006
You need to see the surgeon. He will probably have certain doctors he wants you to see. Most have their own psychologists and dieticians and it would be a wasted trip to go on your own.
   — geneswife

April 1, 2006
well i saw my pcp, surgeon, physch, nutriotinst, cardioogist, pulmaonary, gi doc, sleep study, and lab work
   — stephanie24

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