Has anyone had a panni done at the wt. of 250 or more?

I would like pics possible.    — Angelia W. (posted on January 19, 2001)

January 20, 2001
I had a panni at 246#. It was one of the more 'comfortable'surgergies, I've ever had. (I had 3 csections, breast reduction and gallbladdar removal). I had it on a Tuesday, had the drains removed Wednesday and flew back home on Thursday night. I was back in the office Monday. The binder was a tremendous help, and virtually no pain. My incision was hip to hip and 14 pounds was removed. This may not be typical of this type of surgery, but because I could not get the time off I did what I had to do. I felt the same way with the breast reduction. Minor discomfort but able to return to work in a few days. Now the gallbladdar surgery? WHOO MARY! That just about killed me---the pain! the pain! Anyway, when I asked my surgeon why I didn't have the pain I expected to have, he said, many nerves may have been severed during the surgery, in addition mostly fat and skin were removed---fat has no sensitivity to pain, and the skin around it had been stretched so much I wouldn't have felt anything. I still don't have much feeling around my incision other than an occasional itching that I can't satisfy with scratching.
   — corpdiva2006

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