Hair loss?I know I was told that hair loss will occur 3 months or so after my RNY, an

   — [email protected] Folston-Johnson (posted on March 17, 2010)

March 17, 2010
i had surgery Dec 2009 and im starting 2 loss my hair to.they told me to take Biotin 1000mg
   — mil2473

March 17, 2010
My daughter is a hair dresser and she told me to take omega 3 or fish oil.
   — reallady

March 17, 2010
i have no hair loss at all . but i keep my protein at 100 grs per day or more. optimal is 120 ,minimum is considered 60-80. you my be getting be getting to little,first sign is hair loss. goodluck
   — hanksguns

March 18, 2010
My hair did not start falling out for a year after surgery and now it is growing back it thinned alot and I have thick hair I really noticed it but not others its all back now
   — Tammi Sandoval

March 18, 2010
Our NUT gave a presentation at the support group about supplements, and said there's more than one cause of hair loss after RNY surgery. First, all hair is on a three-month life cycle... most of our hairs are at all different points in their cycle, so we don't notice when some of them die (normal hair loss). Surgery is a big shock to the system, so about three months later, many hairs will die simultaneously. This happens to a lot of people (not all) regardless of nutrition, exercise, etc. That hair will grow back after the body gets its act together. The other cause is the nutritional aspect... protein, protein, protein! Our NUT said the jury's out on Biotin... that some people who swear by it are just seeing the normal regrowth that happens after the normal three-month die-off. But she did say that one symptom of a protein deficiency is continued hair loss. There are other symptoms, such as wounds not healing as quickly as they used to, and of course feeling tired all the time. Personally, at 5 weeks out, and as a 50 year old balding man, I'm not looking forward to losing MORE on top than I already have lost, but you takes your chances and you accepts your knocks in life, I guess. Looking forward to the regrowth part over the summer.
   — Greg K.

March 18, 2010
I experienced a hair loss starting at about 5-6 months, and for a while, it seemed significant. Of course, I have very fine hair, and so any loss seemed to be more than I was prepared for. So, I upped my protein intake to between 110 and 120 grams, and upped the Biotin to 5 mg (5000 mcg) twice a day. In addition, I take Coromega packets of fish oil - my favorite is the chocolate-orange flavor. I also checked with my hairdresser, and she recommended the Nioxin products (#4 - for visibly thinning hair). They're really expensive, and I'm not too sure they work. I'm only on my second purchase of them...but the last time I had my hair permed, my hairdresser said that she could see lots of "new growth" on my head. At any rate, I have a short, tight perm, so it's hard to tell if I am losing hair or not unless you get right up-close and personal with my head. And for those "bad hair" days, I just bought a really nice, sassy little wig to wear, and it's just the style I want to have my hair cut into when my perm grows out.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

March 18, 2010
I have been taking biotin 3000 mcg, since I had surgery and I still lost some hair. It's different for each person. Protein protein... I am almost 7 months out 105+ down, Good luck, and don't worry you will do great
   — MarthaJ0110

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