Does anyone have difficulty with milk products after surgery?

I am only 2 weeks post op and now on full liquid and pureed diet. I am having a hard time tolerating milk products which pretty much takes everything off the full liquids, such as pudding, yogurt, cottage cheese and even most of the protein shakes!! Does anyone have any suggestions?    — HeatherNP (posted on November 12, 2009)

November 12, 2009
Hi, I not sure what surg you had..but if it was/is RNY you can not tolerate the high containt of sugar in the milk. BUT, you do have many sugar free things to use. Yogart,pudding,jello, popsicles. You can use low fat cottage cheese,ricotta cheese with a little vanilla & cinnamon. You can mix most of the protein drinks with water or buy ISOPURE..pre mixed in a bottle. I like the apple-melon myself. I go to GNC and they will help you with there products as well as my store lets me sample them. Aslo, Vitalady site has excellant products you can order on line. Best of will get easier...
   — tootsie52

November 12, 2009
I had to completely eliminate milk products post op just like you. Never had a problem before but they make me sick to my stomach now and I'm 4 months post op. I use soy milk, unsweetened, it has hardly any carbs. Trader joe's is a good one, they even have a soy creamer, and it's good. Only thing I can do is cheese, so I have 2 servings of low fat a day and don't forget to take your calcium!
   — Connie F.

November 12, 2009
I couldn't tolerate milk right after surgery either. So in the beginning I made my sugar free pudding with Fat Free Lactaid. I also used the Lactaid in anything that called for milk. But now I am a lil over a year out and I can drink milk with no problem. Good Luck!
   — Melissa D.

November 12, 2009
I was told it is very common to become lactose intolerant after surgery. I am a little over 5 months post op and since about 1 month post op, I haven't been able to have real milk. It makes me so sick. Milk and ice cream will be the hardest things to keep in if you are lactose intolerant. I myself can still hold in foods with milk cultures such as cottage cheese and yogurt. But I have noticed it is hard to find a lowfat AND low sugar or even sugar free yogurt. Good luck :)
   — Nina15137

November 12, 2009
I had a hard time with milk right after surgery - it would make me dump. Once my stomach had healed all the way and I started to eat more "normal" soft foods, I was fine and dandy. You might have to just give it some time. Try jello (sugar free of course), buy the Campbell's chicken noodle low sodium soup - strain out noodles and chicken - the broth is SOOOOO much better than just straight broth. I lived off of chicken noodle broth for like 2 weeks. Popsicles are good too and a lifesaver for me in the beginning because I always felt thristy (sugar free popsicles are the best). Applesauce (sugar free) is a good one and helped me over the hump. V-8 juice - yummy. Our local Vons/Pavillions has an excellent variety of gourmet soups in their deli department - puree the chicken tortilla (when you are on the puree stage) soooooo freakin' good. They also have some sort of bean/chili type soup that was excellent pureed as well. Creamed soup will work (although it was SOOOOO not appetizing for me - ick). Fruit juice (apple) diluted with water. Tomato soup. Hope that gives you some alternatives. I know it sounds funny, but I spent a ton of time in the grocery stores in the beginning checking out so many different alternatives - because lets face it - pickings are slim in the beginning!! Good luck. Feel free to email me if you need more ideas and/or additional ideas on down the road - [email protected]
   — jammerz

November 13, 2009
It's funny, I had Lap RNY and can eat yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and puddings but can't drink milk. I use Silk Soy milk which works great for me and I eat lite ice cream or frozen yogurt. Good luck.
   — PAWLLA L.

November 13, 2009
I too became lactose intolerant...Soymilk was good...I could tolerate once ounce of solid cheese, cottage cheese or yogurt...Probiotics help me with lactose intolerance...It's great stuff...The first 3 mos I could only tolerate Isopure clear protein...I drank one daily for 45 oz of protein and once I could eat all my protein...I didn;t pick up a protein drink again for like 4 years! Now I do for smoothies and in my coffee (like a vanilla latte). I eat like a regular small person since about he the second year...But I am still lactose intolerant and even lactose free milk will still make me dump unless it is skim (Yuck) I just can't do skim! But that's me! Don't give up on all dairy...but do try it again after time and you might be able to tolerate some later...Also since yogurt has enzymes (probiotics) you should be able to tolerate some...just watch the fat and sugar content...I suggest unflavored greek yogurt and mix in some nsa fruit preserves without seeds or pureed fruits after you are allowed fresh fruit...Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

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