any info? i have only lost 1 lb in 3 weeks. I am 2 months post op

   — SHA2973 (posted on May 26, 2009)

May 26, 2009
You need to really drink your water and make sure you are getting at least 60 grams of protein. It is really hard some days but strive to sip all day long. I use the No Sugar added frozen pops as they only have 40 calories and count as water.
   — Kathy Thomas

May 26, 2009
It does get frustrating at times especially with the lapband. I was at a point like you are and had to start with liquid diet again to reprogram my steps. Like sugested above, lots of fluid, I drink propell, also have one with me. I also enjoy the sugar free popcyles especially at night as a treat. I also keep a record of what I eat as it is so easy to eat the wrong foods (as we say just a little bite won't hurt) but they do add up in calories very fast and journaling does help you keep on track. Good luck with your continued WL. Carolyn James
   — Cjames3259

May 27, 2009
Me, too. And I am SICK of people telling me I'm eating too much (800 cal a day, 5"10" and 400 lbs), not exercising (I am MUCH more active than I was), not drinking enough water or protein or whatever. (I'm being much more careful and eating better than my WLS friends who are loosing.) I've been tested for paracytes and toxins. (Everythings fine.) I'm going to an alternative doc tomorrow. He thinks it's hormonal. I'll report back if he has any answers.
   — jtoothman

May 27, 2009

   — StrangePassion

May 27, 2009
I am in the same boat as you; had surgery in March. I am losing at a slowish kind of pace too. DO you have your sweet spot figured out yet? If not (neither do I) then that is normal that you are losing slowly. Think of it this way, that is one pound that you will never see again! Stay focused and enjoy every new number on the scale as it goes down! Yipee!
   — Renee B.

May 27, 2009
Sorry! My advice was geared towards lap-band surgery but some of it is still good!
   — Renee B.

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