5 days post op

I'm 5 days post op and I had horrible constipation and gas the first few days and now I have diarrhea. I eat something and am in the bathroom 5 or 6 times before it is time to eat again. Any advice out there? I searched through the archives but there is just TOO much information there. Have any of you tried Activia yogurt to correct the bowel bacteria with diarrhea not just for constipation? Thanks    — mrssuperjfly (posted on May 11, 2009)

May 11, 2009
Hi Rose, I'm 2 weeks out and for the first week I had diarrhea something FIERCE. No matter what I put in, which was, of course would come out about ten-fold. The doctor said that the first week, your body is getting used to the new arrangement and that either that or constipation, usually constipation, will correct itself. It did for me, at about 7 days. Hope this helps you.
   — Bev B.

May 11, 2009
Hi Rose, I had the same problem after my surgery. I guess the clear liquids and full liquids. Then the 2nd week everythin I put in my mouth went right through. mine corrected on its own, but I had to stay a bathroom for a few day. We'd be in the car and I would have to stop. I'd like to say it ends. But as my eating has changed so has my system, and I still have occasional days were every thing just goes right through me. Good luck on your WL journey. Carolyn James
   — Cjames3259

May 12, 2009
I had diarrhea problem at first and my nurse told me to fix a smoothie with a banana. That did help. The constipation was worse - horrible but it corrected itself eventually.
   — Muggs

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