Light Headed

Every since I have had surgery, I have been having spells where I am getting light-headed and feeling like I am gonna pass out. I have been to the ER last Tuesday due to one of these spells and I was dehydrated, high blood count for blood clots still, and generalized weakness. I have been having these spells 2-5 times a week. I tried to go back to work today and came close to passing out. Has anyone had problems like this and can they tell me what was causing theirs. I need some help! I am going back to Dr. Pirrello tomorrow because of these spells.    — Rettawren37 (posted on May 12, 2008)

May 12, 2008
Yes, I have this too. I am almost 10 1/2 months out open RNY. I had blood clots too and developed anemia and dehydration as well. I am still anemic and still have a low iron, which attributes to the dizziness. Granted, mine is MUCH better than it was. It used to be so bad that I could barely walk from my living room to the bathroom (fewer than 25 steps). Now I only get them occasionally and if I sit a few minutes I'm fine. Read my profile for more of my info, if you like. Keep taking your iron pills (I'm bad...I stopped, but need to get back to it). It shouldn't last forever. I would ask your PCP to order a complete blood panel on you to check things out and see if you are anemic. It was close for me as to whether I would need a transfusion, but I did not. Good luck!
   — ALafferty

May 12, 2008
well being dehydrated can cause a variety of symptoms...none of them good. You need to drink your 64 ozs. of water a day and that will probably make you feel a lot better. Also, are you getting your protein in? If not, then you're body is probably become malnourished which can also cause a variety of bad symptoms...including, of course, dizzyness. If you're getting all your protein, taking your vitamins AND getting your water and STILL having the problems then I'd check back with your surgeon and try to get it checked out. Good luck.
   — cjjordan

May 12, 2008
Anemia made me light headed...I'm out of the danger zone and got my iron and low blood counts back up over the last two months on high doses of non-toxic iron supplements...and feel 100% better. If you haven't had labs in a while it's a good time to have you vitamin levels checked! Hope you feel better...
   — .Anita R.

May 12, 2008
You have to perform as fast as possible an endoscopy!!! This will be the best way to get rid of this problem Bruno Zilberstein MD PhD FACS
   — Bruno Zilberstein

May 12, 2008
With regard to the light-headed feeling -- when I advised my doctor he advised MORE WATER -- not more fluids -- but WATER. I was blessed to not have a high blood count for blood clots. Hopefully your Dr. want find a high blood count tomorrow. But start increasing your water and that too may help with the weakness.
   — the7thdean

May 13, 2008
I had VSG, but I think we all are in danger of many of the same things. I, too, experienced many days of shakiness, weakness, and lightheadedness. I also ended up in the ER with an IV. I think our biggest threat is dehydration which can wreak havoc on our bodies. Our bodies are also going through such drastic changes adjusting to the amount and types of food it is used to getting. Just be sure to sip, sip, sip and get that protein in. It will help, and it should pass soon. Good luck!!
   — corky1057

May 30, 2008
I am late in catching up on my emails, that is why it has taken me so long to respond. You may have already found a solution but just in case I thought I would tell you about myself. I went through the exact same thing that you are going through. Turned out I wasn't anemic but my blood pressure was dropping causing me to get extremely dizzy and lightheaded. My surgeon had me add salt to my diet, he suggested foods like peanuts and beef jerky which were totally off limits for me. I also got those flavored salt packets, they come in lime or pickle and those seemed to help more than anything. Everytime I started to feel lightheaded I would sit down, grab a salt packet & have some of that. The feeling would subside after a few minutes. I am now over 2 years out and have not had this problem for over a year. Good luck!
   — lori_m

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