Do you ever feel hungry again and if so is it different that pre surgery?

I have a strange feeling under my breasts, right in the middle and I'm not sure if I am feeling hungry or not.    — my_journey (posted on May 7, 2008)

May 7, 2008
Alot of people say do this and do that and eat this way, or you will feel hungry. I am five months out and have not yet experienced hunger. I have to remind myself to eat and push to get the protein and fluids in. I do however have discomfort when I do eat especially solids, mostly meat, around the breastbone area. I don't like that feeling, so as soon as I feel "full" around a half cup volume. I stop. Good luck!
   — lesleigh07

May 7, 2008
I some times get head hunger. That is I smell someth and I want it. It might be a Chicken rosting in the oven, but when I eat, after 4 oz I don't want any more. If it is a desert, I just take a small taste, just one "Small" Taste and that is it. I know I can eat those things, so I just sample and make my self satisfided. There is no hunger from the stomach or pouch in my case. Best of success to you. Bill
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 7, 2008
I am almost 5yrs out an I get hungry. Its a little different than before I had my surgery. Its a different feeling. Like when i am full. I get full in my throat not so much in my stomach. I dont know if what your feeling is hunger.
   — Joanc

May 7, 2008
It is a completely different feeling pre-surgery and post-surgery. Given how early you are in your post-op life, you are probably feeling all kinds of gurgling and churning as your pouch and intestines slowly and gradually began to function.
   — SteveColarossi

May 7, 2008
I had pain in that area right after surgery, which they told me was from the gas they blow you up with to do the laparoscopy. The persistent pain has since gone away (I am just under a week post-op), but when I get gas pains now they tend to travel up that way. I feel hunger a little lower than what you are describing, but I know our stomachs sit higher than we think they do. I can tell what I feel like now when I'm hungry as opposed to when I'm feeling gassy from something I ate.
   — lauren_marie

May 7, 2008
After surgery you will have to relearn what it feels like to be hungry. Head hunger and tummy hunger are two different things. Remember you are used to eating a certain way and your mind says it fights, or try it. Listen to your tummy, it knows best.
   — bariatricdivalatina

May 11, 2008
I had the same thing happen to me in the exact same place - had no idea what it was and I thought it was hunger. It turned out that I had an ulcer at the surgical line. I was advised to take prilosec over the weekend, twice a day. If the pain-like feeling because less, then it was an ulcer.
   — C P.

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