How many follow up visits do you have throughout the first year?

I had my RNY Jan 31, 2008. I moved out of state 3 weeks. How do I do follow up and how often are they usually? What am I looking for blood work and health wise in general?    — heartsablaze (posted on April 28, 2008)

April 28, 2008
i haven't had mine yet. it is scheduled for May 5 but I was told 1 week, 1month, 2months, 3months, 6months, 1year and every year after that.
   — bikermama

April 28, 2008
Ask your surgeon to give you a referral to a Bariatric specialist in your area to see you. I see my doc every month for the first 6 months, but I am 62. I think the regular RNY's see their surgeon on week one then, month 1, 2, 6 and 12 and annually after that. They need to check your A1C Total Lipid Panel, Vitamins B-12 & B-6, Iron, and calcium, as well as potassium. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 28, 2008
I'd imagine your initial surgeon had a schedule listed in your paperwork, but for most I believe it's 1 mos, then 3 mos, then 6 mos, 9 mos, then 12 mos. then every year after that. Blood work done at 1 mos and 3, then again at 12 for me. Nothing at 6 and 9 months other than weight check and a meeting with the nutritionist. Unless you're having issues that is. I would definitely recommend getting in contact with a surgeon's office though, as appointments might be difficult to come by sooner than later, and I think it's just a good practice to stay on track through this first initial year. You're body is going to go through a lot, as are your emotions. Most people that don't succeed with this surgery are those that don't do their follow-ups. So definitely get in as soon as you're able. Best of luck and hope you have great success! Hugs.....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

April 28, 2008
Hi. my surgery was 1/31/08 too. I had a follow up at 2 weeks, 3 months...will have one at 6, 9, 12 mths and then anually (from what i understand). that's wiht the surgeon.
   — hatda

April 28, 2008 Go to the link above and copy these labs and lab codes for your new doctor or general practictioner. These are important tests for people who have had RNY or DS as we tend to malabsorb our vitamins and many deficiencies are noticed 3-5 years post op when all our bodies natural vitamin stores are depleted...If you keep an eye on these tests yearly, you can track how many vitamins you should be taking daily to keep your body at healthy levels. I take these tests to my doc and she runs them all for me! I was doing great until my 4th year when it was noticed all my vitamin levels were very low or deficient and I am anemic. You can become malnurished even though you might be gaining or maintaining weight! Hard lesson to learn! We must take vitamins and supplements forever! These tests may have saved my life... Good luck
   — .Anita R.

April 28, 2008
i have had my checkups at 3mo and 6mo and will go back for a 1 year check up with my surgeon in october, but if things come up in between those visits i can either be seen by my primary care physician or make an appt to be seen at the surgeon's office. good luck and i would have your surgeon's office give you a referral to a new one in your area. as far as labs they need to check a basic CBC (complete blood count), chemistry screen, b12 level, PTH, and iron. make sure they are done. hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

April 28, 2008
For me, after the initial visits I go every 6 mos. You need to do blood work to check your vitamin levels. Best of Luck
   — niecie54

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