what is longest dumping can last??

I am 9 weeks out I ate 3 water crackers and 1/4 cup eggsalad at 1pm this afternoon I am still sick and still throwing up. Is this normal??    — grneyed4u2 (posted on May 4, 2007)

May 4, 2007
I had some tomato soup and apple juice one night about 3 weeks post op and was SICK for like 3-4 was crazy. I would start to feel better then WHAM, crappy again. Hasn't happened since, thank goodness, but it was the most unpleasant thing.
   — jammerz

May 4, 2007
The water crackers were probably too dry. I vomited after eating bran matzah....stick to wasa lite & crisp crackers, they digest very well and egg salad tastes yummy on them! As for the tomato soup, it probably has too much added sugar in it, I also vomited from it once after eating it in the diner. Best advice, if you don't know what's in it, don't eat it!
   — Sheri A.

May 4, 2007
First thing.........Call your doctor. Especially if this happens alot. It could be a medical problem Hi, I'm three years out. It was probably the egg salad. Was there Mayo in it? I had a problem with that in the beginning. My advise to you whenever you are adding something new to your pouch. Take a small mouthful and wait. If that goes well try two. Don't worry, it will change. You'll be able to eat almost anything after a year or so and then you really have to watch it. Three years post op and I still get sick on milk products. Mac and cheese are the worse. I can eat mac and I can eat cheese, but If I eat it at the same time or I'm sick for hours. After bypass what makes you sick usually are: Dumping from Too much sugar, Too much fat, eating too fast. Lactose intolerance. Also if food is too dry or not chewed enough it will get stuck going in the pouch or leaving the pouch and THAT is painful. I was told by my doctor that vomiting is usually not part of dumping. Lactose intolerance and stuck food are.
   — smparker2

May 5, 2007
I doubt that it was the water crackers that made you sick. I have had trouble with eggs every since surgery and my nutritionist said some people cannot tolerate eggs at all. I tried them in many different ways and I still get sick when I eat an egg. I am 6 months out and hope that someday I'll be able to eat an egg or egg substitute without getting sick, but so far I cannot. Hope this helps. Good luck!
   — Virginia M.

May 5, 2007
First off -- I did the saem thing -- crackers with my chicken salad -- bad idea -- no more crackers -- actually no anything that looks like bread for the first 6 months. I'm almost 3 months out and last Saturday ate the tip of a slice of pepperoni pizza to see how the bread would taste -- HORRIBLE. No breads, pastas, rice, anything like that for the first 6 months and even after that eat your meat and veggies first. I hope you are feeling better and the vomiting has subsided.
   — the7thdean

May 5, 2007
Hi Debbie. I am so sorry for your bad lunch. It is Saturday, so I don't if you can contact your surgeon or not, but I would give them a call on Monday. I think the throwing should stop, and I assume that you are throwing up air at this point, not food, because all the food should have passed or come up already. Is this the first time you had egg salad? Do you have any pain in your middle area? I ask this because heaving (barring the food thing) like you are can be the sign of a gall bladder attack. If you just feel nausea and sick and are throwing up, that is one thing, but if you have pain in the middle (if you have to think about whether or not you have pain, you don't have this pain), then you could be experiencing a gall bladder attack. Try to rest and take it easy. I hope this passes, but either way I would check with my surgeon by phone on Monday. If you do have pain and it gets worse, you should be seen sooner, go to your hospital where you had surgery and ask them to check you out. If it fades and stays gone, then just call them Monday and check in. Your health is really important to you and to them. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 5, 2007
When i get sick it is usually 1-3 hours after eating. It also last 2-3 hours sometimes and I throw up these hours as well. Sometimes it is just foam. I am almost two months out and down 56 lbs. I am still only eating about 2-3 tsps at each meal. Now to me 1/4 of a cup of food is alot, but i am sure everyone is different. I can't hold a lot of food yet, but i am getting my fluid in which is very important. Good luck, but i think it will pass.
   — missyheffelfinger

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