I need pain relief ideas to take for arthritis I am out 6mo. of sur.

   — cherylann0922 (posted on March 19, 2007)

March 19, 2007
You should see an Orthopedic Dr. I take Arthrotec for the Arthritis in my knees, you can only get it from a Dr, I also take Vicodin for the pain every night because they get worse at night. None of the over the counter stuff is strong enough for my pain. Good luck. Dan
   — bigdooba

March 19, 2007
I recommend you need to see an Orthopedic doctor for your arthritis pain. I am 4 months out of surgery and I have osteoarthritis in my right hip. I take Vicodin one at nighttime but I have to dissolve my meds. I cannot take them in pill form. The thing with meds after gastric bypass surgery is they react very quickly now. I don't think I would take Vicodin during the daytime as I would probably want to sleep. :) Which isn't such a bad thing unless your at work so that won't work for me. Good luck to you. Jannie
   — jannie12

March 19, 2007
I have rhemutoid arthritis and am struggling with the meds that I was taking prior to surgery. I am not taking those meds now and my rhemitologist put me on just Aleve for right now because almost all the meds they have for arthritis aren't supposed to be crushed or chewed and so far can't find anything in liquid form. I am debating on going to steroids so that I can move around and but the downside is that steroids make you gain weight. What to do? Like me I would talk to your doc. Good luck.
   — hugger1021

March 19, 2007
I have rheumatoid arthritis and am 9 months post op. I've been taking my weekly Enbrel injection and then 200mgs of Children's liquid motrin every 8 hours. You can get it in larger doses by prescription instead of buying up a lot of small bottles. It really helps. Plus I'm also on a pain management regimen through my local hospital. There are many drugs that they can give you that are dosed either via liquid or injection. Dont give up hope, just find the right doctor to treat you.
   — oceanrayne

March 19, 2007
I also have RA and before I started Arava I was (and still am) taking Mobic, This drug helped me more than all the other ones together. Ask your Dr about it and at least try it its wonderful to be able to get up and not hold on to everything just to walk. I also take prilosic once a day to help not get any ulers. Hope this helps.
   — bsweetie

March 20, 2007
I see a rheumatologist, and she used to give me Ultram. However, I now take a weak dose of Lortab (5 mg). It's all up to the doc & the severity of the pain. Good Luck!
   — byHizgrc

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