Just started CPAP, having problems, need suggestions!

My CPAP machine was delivered on Monday - I tried the last 2 nights to sleep with it and haven't been real successful. I am using the nose pillows mask, but I had the same problem with the regular mask at the sleep clinic, it might be in my head but it sure feels real, I'm jut hoping I'm not alone and that someone else has had similar experience. The problem I'm having is that I feel like I'm not getting enough air in through my nose, I keep opening my mouth trying to get more air and then I feel the air from the machine in my mouth, I usually have problems breathing at night, and my nose seems to be constantly stuffed up, I blow it to make sure its clear and it seems ok, but when I put the machine on I feel like I can't get enough air, it's not a problem of keeping my mouth shut, I can do that, it's that I open it to try and get enough air. I usually sleep with my mouth open, if anyone else has any suggestions please, any help would be appreciated, my surgeon will not do surgery on me until I have been on the machine at least 6 weeks! Thanks in advance for your help. Jen    — jlflbf (posted on March 8, 2006)

March 8, 2006
Wearing a CPAP will be an adjustment as it can be very mental having something on your face while you sleep. For a few days wear it while awake sitting up in a chair to get use to the feeling of it and allowing yourself the ability to know you can breathe with it on and not feel suffocated. Are you using humidity in the machine to decrease the dryness of the air? Try using saline nose spray to moisturize the nose, just do not use things like Afrin because those can get addicting and can lead to other problems. After a few times of wearing it awake and sitting up, trying wearing it awake and lying down to adjust to that feeling. After a few days, start wearing it while sleeping. This will take a little bit of time but in the long run you will feel better as you will get a better nights sleep with the proper Oxygen levels in your blood. Take your time and things will work out. Shelly
   — scharlier

March 8, 2006
Hi Jennifer! This response is very long, but I went through much the same aggravation getting used to my CPAP. You sound like you need a full mask, not just the nose pillows. I'm a mouth breather, too, with sinuses that clog up the minute I get flat. At the sleep clinic, they tried using something that just covered my nose. I wound up sitting on the side of the bed, crying, because I was soooo tired and I was getting the same thing, every time I opened my mouth, the air blowing around felt weird and kept me awake. A few suggestions: First, ask for a full mask, and make sure you have the correct size. They come in S,M,and L, apparently. Then, make sure the straps are properly adjusted. If mine is too loose, the air escapes around the edges, and the tiny Bronx cheers keep me awake. Also try sleeping in a recliner, or propping yourself up on pillows. Until you lose the weight, sleeping flat causes your throat to collapse even more, and makes it harder to breathe. If none of this works, call your doctor, and have someone check the pressure setting on your machine. Be sure it's set for the number they determined at the clinic. Too much or too little pressure will give you weird feelings. (I had to have mine readjusted after I lost 120 lbs, I thought my ears were going to blow out) Also check into the kind of machine you have. Mine "ramps" -- it starts off with very gentle pressure, then slowly, over 20 minutes, builds up to full pressure. By the time it's up to speed, I'm usually asleep. If yours starts off at full pressure, it's not going to be too comfortable. I hope you get this straightened out. I love my CPAP -- it's a pain in the butt if I have to travel, but I can't believe how different my life is since I started actually sleeping through the night! Real sleep! I don't nap every five minutes, and haven't fallen asleep while driving since I got it (yes, very scary!). Hang in there, once you get this problem solved, you'll see a major difference in your life. Let us know how this comes out! --Mary
   — mwilson523

March 8, 2006
Jennifer, I have been on a CPAP for 4 years now. I am also someone who breathes through my mouth, so I have a Full Face Mask. I could never do those Nose Pillows. I was told that the mouth breathing should stop, as I would not be having the lapses in breathing, but I have tried more than once to use the Nose Pillows and they did not help me. With the Full face Mask, I get the sleep that I need. Hugs, Normie
   — Normie

March 8, 2006
Hi Jennifer I am a mouth breather too! however i couldn't stand the straps on my face from the mask and have learned to deal with the nose pillows. It wasnt' easy at first and several time I will end up throwing the mask off, not knowing. but it does get easier. There are so many choices now, do what you are comfortable with wearing.
   — sngglnclos

March 8, 2006
Hi Jennifer....I have been on a BI PAP machine for 6yrs now. I had the same problem and when i went to the medical equipment office where I got it from, they hooked my machine up to theirs to check my pressure. They had me to put on my mask and breathe for them..It showed that my machine had dropped in pressure and they had to adjust it for me. I would be asleep and all of the sudden feel like I was sufficating. I wish you the best of luck. Tammy B
   — tammyB

March 8, 2006
Hi, My husband had to start useing one back in Oct. They pre set the pressure for him on his machine, and his Dr. perscribed Lunesta for him, It helps him sleep sound and he wakes feeling rested, plus it's not habit forming, and he says he don't have that hang over feeling in the morning. Talk to your Dr about it. Perry W.
   — tigersmom

March 8, 2006
   — mikedanziger

March 8, 2006
I've tried the full face mask, the nasal pillows, the full mask squealed around when I slept on my side, I got allergic to the plastic in the nasal pillows after a while and my nose ran and ran. I looked on the internet at masks and picked out the one which just covers my nose and really like it the best. I also started using the humidifier after having to get up in the night and use nasal spray and blow my nose for an hour a night. I get my nose cleaned out until I can breathe thru both sides of my nose. Then put the mask on and go to bed. Also, you can get saline gel to put in your nose, it seems to work very well and does not run out.
   — geneswife

March 8, 2006
I was prescribed the CPAP with the nasal tubes only, but they gave me a chin strap to keep my mouth shut at night. I cannot use the machine without the chin strap because I am also a mouth breather. Just ask whomever you got the machine from for a chin strap. Good luck!
   — missmarie

March 9, 2006
Original Poster Here, Thank you all for the suggestions, I called the company that I got my machine from, now I have to go back to my Dr. and get a new prescription for a different mask. I feel they should give us a few different masks let us try them and then we decide what works best for us, after all it's not the easiest thing to wear when your trying to sleep. I think I am going to try the full face mask, as I keep having problems with my nose, it just doesn't feel like I am getting enough air. Again Thank you for all your suggestions, I actually printed everything out and I am taking to Dr. with me, I think this board is so great, everyone is so helpful!:wave: Thanks, LOL Jen
   — jlflbf

March 9, 2006
Hi Jen, I see that you have already received a ton of answers. I have had my C-Pap since 2002. I started out with the nose pillows and had some sort of allergic reaction to the material. I then went to the mirage mask (it may be the one you are using). This mask has a swivel where you hook your hose. What I have found is this...if my hose is in front of me (hanging toward my chest) or beside me (hanging off the bed), I don't get as much air. I pulled my bed away from the headboard a little so that the hose actually goes over my face (i.e. from nose toward top of my head) and hangs off the bed between mattress and headboard. I have always had vivid dreams and tend to flop around alot, this has saved me a lot of hassle. My suggestion seems simplified compared to the other suggestions, but maybe you can give that a shot for some relief before you see the Dr. Tammy
   — Thin2WinNOklahoma

March 9, 2006 again...I forgot to add...the reason that I did this is because I felt like my air was being cut off. The fact that you can feel the air in your mouth when you open it, does mean that the air is getting through. If you test my theory on this, you can lay on your back and swivel the hose around and see if you can tell a difference in the amount of air that you feel in your nose...Tammy
   — Thin2WinNOklahoma

March 31, 2006
I have had a cpap machine for a few years now. It took me quite awhile getting use to wearing the mask. I too, kept tearing it off in the middle of the night for a long time...your face and head just aren't use to something being plastered on there and elasticized all over your head all night long. =) I have never used the nasal pillows, in fact, had to look them up to see what they were. I use a mask that covers my nose, and when my allergies are really bad, or have a cold, I wear the full face, which I find MUCH LESS comfortable. I sometimes put just a tiny dab of vick's (the greasy chest stuff) under my nose, and that will kind of keep it clear. I went through 2 sizes of each type of mask, increasing the air pressure, and adding humidified water before things were good to go. Someone told me once that they had a hook right above the head of their bed, a piece of heavy yarn tied loosely around the hose, and hung that piece of yarn over the hook, so it kept the house up and allowing air to flow. That works. My "cpap" gal also told me to try to keep the machine about level with my box spring. Any higher or lower might cause the air not to flow well. I do still prop myself up a little bit when I lay down to sleep...but move all over the place after I'm zonked. Everything works ok now, except for the humidity, and I think I'll post that as a question.
   — Shanon ..

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