Having headaches every day post-op.

I am 4 months post op. About 8 weeks ago I started having a dull headache all the time. I went back on my hormones that the surgeon had taken me off of post op, but still having the headaches. Anyone else?? Any suggestions? Thanks, Carol S    — carols (posted on February 21, 2006)

February 21, 2006
I too am having headaches. it is also a dull aching pain. I called my dr. and they believed I was dehyrdrated. I am only 5 days post op. When I drank fluids it did go away. Though it does come back again. Are you having enough fluids? I just make sure I drink as much fluids as i can. hope this helps. Debbie G.
   — Debbie G

February 21, 2006
I am 10 wks out and have had headache also. My nurse said dehydration or that's how my body tells me It's time to eat.
   — floridabeachbum

February 21, 2006
Water, water, You need Water. Headaches are telling you your body is HUNGREY FOR WATER, not food, WATER. Sip on it all day . Trust me...............WATER will make your headaches go away, even migraines, it will also help you loose weight faster. Water is the BOMB!!!
   — cindirella

February 21, 2006
when i had a dull headache it was my iron level. do you crave ice too? have this checked. tammi
   — tjjjx6

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