I see much on constipation? Help!

7 days out and I pee and have had loose stools , but the poop is hiding somewhere. Are we supposed to have bowel movements everyday?    — gagini (posted on February 12, 2009)

February 12, 2009
If you have loose stools that would mean you are pooping it is just watery? But if you have not gone in seven days you will want to use a laxative. You do not want to get jammed up. It can be painful. Check with your doctor on what to use. Mine suggest Philips milk of mag. It come in a liquid form.
   — trible

February 12, 2009
::giggles::: It's not hiding... you are not eating nearly what you ate before surgery...and won't have "regular" bowels for a while. and they will never be like they used to be....At lest mine are nothing like pre op...They are rarely the same ever...I hardly ever know what to expect...but as far as regular goes...after a while, you will go everyday when you can eat enough to need to! I was quite constipated the first year...I started taking magnesium citrate daily with my calcium citrate and that changed everything! No more constipation. It's gonna take a while for things to normalize...
   — .Anita R.

February 12, 2009
whatever you put in, you get out. Liquids in, liquids out. Even before surgery, that is the rule of thumb. Not to worry. If you feel bloated, call your surgeon, and he/she will suggest a solution. Cindi M.D. Retired -230#
   — DollyDoodles

February 12, 2009
Don't worry, "it" comes when you start taking in "real" food. Some people are more regular than others. I am 8 1/2 weeks post op and I've never had to take a laxative, but it took a while for me to have normal(is there such a bowel movements. When I feel uncomfortable, walking always helps. Take Care.
   — Fircrkr64

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