What is the % weight loss after a revision from gastroplasty to RNY?

I had gastroplasty in 1998 and had RNY on July 6th. Lost 25 Lbs the first month, but had complications and spent 8 days in hospital on liquids and that is why I lost so much weight the first month. These past 2 months I have only lost 18 lbs. Please help? Anybody out there with any suggestions? I exercise 30 minutes a day. I count calories, it seems I do not have much restriction because I can eat between 700-1000 cal a day. I have a hard time drinking 40-48 oz a day. Sometimes I have to sip water while I eat because I get too thirsty. I take my vitamins. I am 4'11. 48 years old and my starting weight was 235. I feel very discourage. I have tried to ask my doctor questions and he would not answer me.    — Chiviana48 (posted on October 7, 2007)

October 7, 2007
Your able to get more calories in a day because your drinking with your meals. I am almost 6 months out and still don't allow myself to eat a meal until I've drank my 20 oz of water. I have 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. One of those snacks is a protein drink. When you wake up in the morning, drink 20 oz of water. No matter how long it takes you, no eating until that's done. Then wait a half hour and eat a protein filled breakfast. Wait another half hour to a hour and then repeat. The weight won't come off if your washing down extra calories or if your dehydrated. If you keep up with your water, you will not be thirsty during meals. Drinking with meals is one of the very few ways we can sabbotage this tool. It's good that your working out! Great job on that! Just remember that especially early on.. it's what you eat and how much water and vitamins your feeding your body that matters most. Hope that helps. -Shakeira
   — Hisdove

October 7, 2007
Hello! Congratulations on your decision to have WLS, again! Please remember that everyone is not the same and the same rules/policies/procedures do not work the same for everyone. I had WLS in Dec 03 and have ALWAYS drank with my meals. I could not get food to stay down without sipping with my meals. I lost 200 lbs and have kept it off. I still drink with my meals What works for some (eating with meals, protein shakes, liquid vs solids early on....etc.) are just some basic guidelines for each of us to try. You'll find a routine that works for you. DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! It's barely been 3 mos since your surgery. Your body is in 'survival mode' coupled with healing right now. Keep trying different things and you'll find a routine that works for you. I have a feeling that in 30 days or so you're gonna be so happy with the results!! CONGRATS!
   — chelle3081

October 7, 2007
Your question could have been written by me! I am 53 and my heaviest weight was 223. I had RNY on September 6th. I was 210 the day of my surgery and I am only down to 192 now. I reached that point and not losing now. I do not drink with my meals but I am having a hard time getting enough water down. Exercise is minimal because of my busy schedule but I try. Wisj I had answers for you...but at least know you are not alone. I will be watching the answers you get carefully for help for myself. Goos luck!
   — muffin1837

October 7, 2007
Whatever you do DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED. Remember that your body has to adjust to the new changes. The weight will come off. Just as many others that has had RNY right after surgery I lost 25-30 lbs, then it semed as though the weight loss just stoped. Even though it seemed like the weight loss stopped, I kept my normal routine up...walking, cal count, water, day I go on the scale and I lost 65 lbs. and 9 inches off my waist. Please.....please just stay focused and keep up the work, it will come off. My surgery is 1 year..1 month and 7 days and I have lost 247 lbs. IT WILL COME OFF..PLEASE STAY FOCUSED. AND DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. Also try to find something else to focus on....
   — eternal_purpos

October 8, 2007
Hi Sylvia--Hey, don't be discouraged! You are under 200 pounds now, right? You should set small goals for yourself, like 2-4 pounds a week, and then celebrate each accomplished goal by giving yourself a small gift--a little knick knack or other reminder that you are achieving something that you couldn't before you got this "tool" to help you. Make sure you eat your protien first, and give yourself time to adjust. Remember that losing weight is a personal thing, no two people are alike in how it happens, but it has always been said that slow weight loss is sure weight loss. I can attest to that. I have kept my weight off--it seemed to come in plateaus, but I refused to allow myself to be discouraged when it came off slowly. You have to give yourself a break, and enjoy the weight loss ride. Sometimes you have to look at how your clothes fit instead of the scale. Good luck.
   — DianaE

October 8, 2007
Alright I feel a little dumb given that I work in medicine. Could you please define gastroplasty? Is this the old version of stomach stapling?
   — tazthewiz23

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