what is condition that causes your intestines to get twisted?

This happens after you have lost alot of weight and the space that the fat use to be isn't there anymore. There is a medical term for it but I just can't think of it.    — moaheadswife (posted on May 1, 2007)

April 30, 2007
Obstructed bowell, it usually comes from adhesions, execess growth of tissues after any stomach surgery. My surgeon found adhesions left over from my appendectomy in 1975. Although they caused me no troubles he had to get thru them to do the RNY. Why do you ask about this? Constipation is pretty common in post ops and there are a variety of remedies. I ound adding more fat to my eating helped lube things:) So whats up with you?
   — bob-haller

April 30, 2007
I asked because I am having pain in the area around the rib area and along my side, it is something that I haven't had before and was just wondering about it.
   — moaheadswife

May 1, 2007
I had a small bowel obstruction and had emergency surgery and a week long hospital stay. There was a kink in the intestine and scar tissue had formed. It was from having WLS.
   — Kayla

May 1, 2007
It could also be a Hernia Strangulating your Intestines. CONTACT your Surgeon right away.
   — Michael Eak

May 3, 2007
Hi Tammy, it is an obstructed bowel, as the someone else said in another answer to you. I am writing you because I just had surgery for an obstructed bowel. This can happen in a few ways, but mine was because of skar tissue that wrapped around my colon and attached my colon to both my lower and upper stomach. They had to discect my stomach from my colon and remove the skar tissue. I am just over 3 years out and had surgery on the 30th of Mar. It has been a whopper of a recovery. Surgery was just an hour, but I sure did have a lot of pain and a slow recovery. I am still tired and working up on strength. My showed up as not being able to pass gass. It had been going on for a time, but I didn't complain because I eventually passes the gas. Well it happened the week before the 30th of Mar, and didn't pass. So I called it. They put me on Milk of Mag, and I did pass gas and stool, but it was all liquid (meaning I did not have constipation, which is also a possibility for you). They decided to do the surgery and I was pretty tangled up. The thing about obstructions, is if they don't do something about it quickly, it can be an emergency surgery, even life or death. Don't fool around with your health, please call your surgeon about your thoughts and get seen, they can figure it out. It could be nothing, and it could be something. Catch something serious before it is critical, it will be easier to recover from. Even though I am having a tough recover, another week like I was could have killed me or caused me to lose more intestine or colon. Keep a strong eye on your health. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 3, 2007
Hi Tammy, I had the same pains mine was an intestinal hernia and a bad gallbladder. Any pain under the right side ribs is usually a gallbladder attack. My doctor told me any major weight loss usually effects the gallbladder and the bowel. Get yourself to the doctor for a sonogram and ex-rays. It won't get better by itself. Take it from someone who waited it can get painful. Anna

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