Two questions: Cardiac issues and age problems?

   — Vamp459 (posted on January 4, 2007)

January 4, 2007
Laura, I can't answer your question on the age issue but my husband who is 50 has a defribulator and just had surgery September 26th. If i remember they had to disable to defib while they did the operation and then re enable when they were finished. No problems so far. Natalie
   — rollergirl41

January 5, 2007
Laura, you are such a young woman. Many people who have wls are much older. There are reasons for that. I am 46, and 3 years out, but I am past childbirth and have my children, I tried everything possible for many years, and the technology was not what it is now. I can't help you on the "heart" issues, but I will say a few things to you about wls. If you get this surgery at your tender age, you have to be prepared for some real adult changes. You are new to the adult world (even if you are mature for your age) and these changes need to be a lifetime, which for you hopefully will be a long time. After the first 6 months after wls the weight comes off pretty good as long as you obey your doctor with water, protein and exercise, yes exercise. After the "honeymoon" period, it is really diet and exercise. You do eat less, but if you refuse water and exercise, you will not only fail to lose more weight, you will probably regain. It is a daily battle, and one you need to be prepared to fight for your health. Please consider this carefully, and if you are really up to the challenge than you have atleast thought it through, which I appreciate. I see many many women and men who fail to understand that wls is a tool not a miracle. They want to sit and eat what they want, drink what they want, when they want, and refuse to exercise, then cry why can't I lose weight, or worse, why am I gaining weight? Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence. You have to fight the head issue, the tool helps with the body consequence, but can't change the head. That is something you have to work on daily. It is worth the battle, and I am thrilled with my own results, so much better than I ever thought. I really hope the same for you, but make no mistake, it is work, and a lifetime committment. My fear for you would be that if you don't follow the directions of your surgeon and fight for your health that it will worsen the condition of your heart instead of help it. I am not a doctor, but our hearts, even when healthy and normal, can't take the up and down of weight loss over a lifetime. Please consider your move carefully, and I wish you the best of success in your decision. Take care, Patricia P
   — Patricia P

January 5, 2007
Go to and click on forums. Below the regular ones are ones that say related to, and if you click on that one, there is one that says wls in 20's, wls in 30's, etc. You may find one that relates to you. I'm sure your dr would not recommend wls if he didn't think you would qualify or if he didn't think you needed it. I would suggest counseling to help with the issues related to it.
   — geneswife

January 7, 2007
I can state that I have two blockages and went threw many a test but was ok'd by my cardiologist to have my RNY. I have lost almost 40 lbs since November 3rd. and thank goodness. I feel so much better and am looking forward to loosing more. Good Luck.
   — Tana Mallard

January 8, 2007
My thoughts are your never too old or too young to take care of your health. If you feel this is right for you, than go for it. I am 47 but if I'd been this overweight when I was 19 I wouldn't hesitate. Weight on anyone no matter wha the age is bad, and since you have some atrial problems I know how you feel. My brother has atrial afib. and he suffers. He is working on his own to lose some weight, but we've all been saying every year this is my year, but this year I plan on doing what I can to make it happen. I'm not a good dieter on my own and want a change. So I'm going for the lap band as soon as I can get it. Good luck, and you can write me anytime you feel you need to talk. That goes for anyone.. I'm here. Lydia
   — lbutts

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