anyone had plastic surgery in another country?

Has anyone went through Mednet Brazil for plastic surgery in Brazil or had plastic surgery in any other country? If so what were the results? Any info would be helpful. I cannot afford plastic surgery in the US and insurance will not cover it.    — kimber2 (posted on February 13, 2006)

February 12, 2006
I do know of a great company that schedules cosmetic surgeries in Europe that are affordable without losing any quality of care. Feel free to email me if you would like more information. [email protected]
   — Katpts

February 13, 2006
I went to equador and had liposuction ,abdominalplasty, and a butt lift. The surgeon is great and even sees patients in miami now for consulations. email me for more info . he has a web site with alot of great info.Im a nurse and researched this before i ever thought of leaving the country for surgery. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

February 13, 2006
I went to Mexico for plastic surgery. Dr. Gongora in Rosarito Beach at the Genesis Clinic. I had a fulll lower body lift, breast lift, and inner thigh lift. I am thrilled with the results and would do it again in a heartbeat. I had plastics almost 2 years ago. If you would like information, let me know.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 13, 2006
My sister-in-law went to Venezuela and had lipo under her chin, had her arms, thighs, stomach, and breast implants done. She had friends over there, so she stayed for a month just to make sure she healed okay. She did take her own percocet over there because they really didn't give her any good pain medicine. All in all, everything turned out very nice. I think she paid around $7000 for everything.

February 14, 2006
For more information on people's first hand experiences with out of the country plastic surgery, go to There is also an interesting forum about low-cost surgery right here in the states being performed by resident general surgeons who are training for a specialty in plastic surgery thru accredited plastic surgery medical school programs.
   — Lilli788

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