Supervised Diet and Exercise Program

I have been seeing my PCP for weight loss support. I went in August and September but had to cancel October (I started my period and was also scheduled for a Pap and that made me uncomfortable) and in November she cancelled because she wasn't going to be in the office that day. I tried to reschedule and the soonest I could get in is January 10th. Will this lapse ruin my supervised diet and exercise program? Any information will be truly appreciated.    — Princess_Someday (posted on December 29, 2005)

December 29, 2005
From what I have read from others following a Dr. Supervised Diet, even if you skip being weighed one time (one month) the insurance company will make you start from month one. I even read one member's post where she had gone for 4 months and missed the appointment on the 5th month and they made her start over from month one! I start my supervised diet on Jan 13th and I will make sure I don't miss a single weigh in. I have Cigna and they are the kind to make you start over. If I were you I would call my insurance right away and find out! I would go as a walk-in tomorrow or the next day just to make it in for December if I were you. Tell the Doc it's an emergency. Good Luck!
   — Sandy~Diamond

December 29, 2005
Sounds as if there are a number of use on the supervised weight loss program. I had the administrator of Sinai Bariatric Clinic advise me not to miss a month because you will have to start over. Each insurance company is different -- your PCP office should know the rules/requirements and should be able to answer that for you. I agree with Sandy, get up and go in there Friday morning. God's Speed
   — the7thdean

December 29, 2005
I appreciate your concern. That is a great idea!! I didn't even think about that! Well, at least I will have December and January. Shoot! I wish I had joined your group sooner! Oh, well... live and learn!
   — Princess_Someday

December 29, 2005
I can testify the put your 6 months in the toilet, they mean six consecutive months not here and there, when you feel up to it, have your period, and talking about gee I ate a Twinkies and promise not too any more, and will walk to the furthest parking space once a month is all ya gotta do, I know this sound like a flame, its to make a point, i just travel every month to NYC , 60 mile , took a day off each time, payed 30 bucks, to park, wore a pedometer to write down my steps daily,Because my PCP could not figure out how to satisfy the insurance companies request for records, so I had to go to the surgeons nutritionist to do it. lost some for one insurance company that required 6m diet crap, and wore ankle weights for the one that does go by bmi, but a historic wgt chart. ya gotta go by the rules, it easier, unless u name is DONNALD OR IVANNA(OR WHAT EVER THIS SEASON)
   — walter A.

December 29, 2005
Originally, when I looked into WLS I was told that I needed to be on a supervised weight loss program. I did all that I could and becasue I had not weight loss in one month my insurance refused to pay for anymore of the treatments. Of course at that time I also had virginia medicade. With the insurance I have now the supervised weight loss was not even an issue. Is there any way that even though you have not been able to see your doctor maybe you could stil get weighed. And have someone verify it for you. Like at the local emergency room? I wish you the best of luck.
   — kizie23

December 30, 2005
I see a nutrionist and there were 2 mos in between that I couldn't go because it's 1 hr away from where I work and we couldn't arrange a time. So, I went to my pcp and he weighed me and we discussed the diet etc. - My insurance is union and they said that you have to do more than just get weighed in. The also asked me about weight watchers programs - I wonder if that would qualify for you - it's supervised - you'd probably have to have them sign your paperwork and give you a copy of your chart? Just a thought, there's usually meetings everywhere for them and on different days, so if you miss one day, you could go another. Good Luck!
   — Jill T.

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