Almost one year out (Lap Band patient), 95 lb loss, going on a cruise

Hi all! I had lapband surgery on 9/8/09 and am happy to say that I've lost 95 pounds to this point. I'm going to celebrate my 1 year anniversary by cruising to Bermuda (I'll be in Bermuda on my anniversary). I've been following my doc's and nut's orders pretty diligently and have to attribute my success to them but I'm a little worried about the cruise and all of the temptations it will present. The LAST thing I want to do is gain any weight but I'm worried that I'll more than likely eat more than I should (and do currently). I've been pretty strict on myself and have been keeping within my portion sizes, however, once and a (LONG) while, we'll go out to dinner and I know I've eaten too much, however, those occasions are very few and far between and haven't resulted in gaining anything back. I go to the gym regularly and like to think i'm doing everything I'm supposed to be, however, I am a little concerned about going on the cruise. Has anyone found themselves in this position where you find yourself putting yourself in "harms way"... Any feedback/suggestions you can offer will be greatly appreciated. I'm not planning to go all out and eat everything in sight, but I'm thinking I'm not going to completely deprive myself and will allow myself to have a couple of treats, but i just don't want to get out of control... Thank you.    — Lisa B. (posted on August 4, 2010)

August 4, 2010
There is nothing wrong with "living a little" post op, however, don't let this "cruise" take over your self control. Just remember to control your portion sizes and they do have a gym on the cruise liners. So, I think as long as you stay within your means, and you know how much food you can eat, remember, you can always go back for more (within reason of course). You won't gain weight overnight from a cruise, it takes about a week for a weight gain to show on the scale. So what you eat this week won't show up until next week. (example) I didn't have the lap band, I am 4.5 yrs RNY, but I still enjoy food gatherings, I just take smaller than normal portions, so I am able to at least taste the variety of food and when I feel satisfied, I stop, wait awhile and after a few hrs or less of rest, I continue. You don't have to deprive yourself of food. That is when people get into trouble, when they think they will be deprived. That triggers "over eating, over loading your plate, and eating everything in sight". Just remember, the cruise is a vacation, the real prize is the amount of weight you have already lost and the tool you have to lose the weight. Hang in there you will do just fine. Just tell yourself the cruise isn't any different than any other place, other than more people and you are out in the middle of the ocean enjoying life.....Best wishes to you. People always ask "What should I do to celebrate my one yr post op anniversary?" I tell them "Go into a single stall bathroom and close the door, go on a roller coaster, when the bar goes over you you fit, look at your feet standing up, and cross your legs sitting down". Sounds silly, but these are things we couldn't do pre-op. So do you remember when you couldn't do these things? Reflecting back we had a hard time; remember what we couldn't do, I always appreciate the fact that I can do all of these things now. Oh and I left one thing out, buy yourself a two piece bikini. Enjoy!!!
   — Kristy

August 4, 2010
Congrats on your surgiversary and wt. loss. I jealous of your cruise. I bet you do just fine. I would suggest you don't eat ANYTHING you don't particuilarly those calories for small samples of things that look really, really good to you. Utilize the on board gym. Trust yourself, you've come a long way. Have a great time.
   — Jane W.

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