My surgery date is quickly approaching - June 4th. Would apprec. any helpful hints?

   — galford (posted on May 30, 2009)

May 30, 2009
Gloria I had WLS may 12th and what I ca tell you is everyone has the same feeling's that you are going through. Your date is very close so enjoy yourself and I am sure that you will do fine. If there is any thing else I can help you with just ask. Mike
   — matigian

May 30, 2009
Gloria, make sure you take chap stick to the hospital with you because the first day you can't have any water etc. Your lips and mouth will be very dry. Also as soon as you can and as often as you can after surgery walk walk walk and walk some more.. the more you walk the better you will feel. You will do great! And welcome to the losers bench!
   — gonnabethinfinally

May 30, 2009
Don't take a bunch of stuff with you. Just slippers for walking, lip balm, toothbrush/paste, hairbrush and clips or holders if you wear your hair pulled back. I never had time or energy to read or watch TV even. If I was awake enough, I was moving (walking). Walking as soon as you are able can't be touted enough; it helps to move the surgical gas. The first couple of days were the worst for me but it improves dramatically each day. Good luck and God Bless - We're sliding down for ya!
   — Arkin10

May 30, 2009
congratulations!! Don't worry and enjoy the ride you will be on for the next several months. It won't be easy, but you will (eventually) feel better than you have in your entire life! I'd do this again every year if I had to...I feel so good now. Best of luck to you and God Bless! ..Oh~ one more thing..drink drink drink...and get your protein in. DO NOT let yourself get takes so long to get rehydrated! hugs, Kim
   — gpcmist

May 31, 2009
Gloria, I am so jealous! I wish it was my time. I will be meeting with my surgeon on the 3rd to get my surgery date. I want to wish you all the best on your journey to a new you. I will be thinking of you on Thursday. God Bless Patti :)
   — Patford

May 31, 2009
Gloria!!!!! Great to ask cause someone will say something you didn't think of. Yes...each person is different but I have had over 20 surgeries in my life soooooooo, I packed what I thought I should. Ha! Noooo, I am a TV junkie and never turned it on! This one is different. From the moment you awake, the work begins, and you begin to learn how to use your NEW TOOL! You will sleep,drink,and walk,walk ,walk ,and walk.But the pain meds may make your face itchy so take a tube of benedryl. And the O2 cannula may irritate your nose so have your neosporin! And of course all the usual bring-a-longs.Use their gowns.Their socks,their everything! I will save you a seat on the losers bench! You made it! The work you have done to get this far was worth it. OH,and Remember, they will bring you full liquid rays. Just sip a little this, sip a little that. But drink slowly. Don't lay there in pain! ASK FOR YOUR MEDS! Be pro-active about your care. It isn't free so make sure you get what you are paying for! State your wishes.Ask your questions and make sure they get you your answer's! So many of us have allowed our selves to become weak and let others walk all over us. DON'T! Be strong!This is the NEW GLORIA WORLD!Right??? The nurses wouldn't be there if they didn't get paid. They are there for YOU Gloria! Good Luck....God Bless You and we are here for you! Hugs....Renee
   — 1stReneeMarie

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