Timeline and what I should expect

Hello all. I have just made an appointment to see a surgeon. I know that each case is a little different because of medical history and insurance requirements but am I wondering how long does it usually take between the time you initially meet with your surgeon to the actually time that you have your surgery. I also was wondering what I could and should be doing now to facilitate the process. I am trying to get a hold of my doctors to get my medical records but what else could or should I be doing. Thanks Lorraine    — kaylazoe (posted on May 6, 2009)

May 6, 2009
You could check with your insurance to see what they require. The two things that I heard that can slow the process down are: to have a medically supervised diet program for 6 months,and they usually send you to a pulmonologist for sleep apnea eval. Both of those things take time to get done. Other consults are based on you individually and your insurance requirements. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 6, 2009
I'm 44 days out from RNY. I agree you need to see what your insurance requires but Humana required 6 months supervised weight loss program. I did mine with monthly weigh ins with my GP. Weight Watchers documentation will also work. I needed two years medical records so make friends with your GP's office staff and get that going. Good luck on your surgery. Kathleen Vaughn
   — kvaughn

May 6, 2009
You have to find out what your insurance will cover-some will only cover specific procedures. Find out who does wls in your provider network. If they have a website you might find some info. there. Weight watchers did not meet the requirement for a supervised diet with my insurance (BC/BS) but they have many other plans that might. I am in the midst of a 6 month supervised diet per insurance- it's not bad and it's giving me time to prepare. Good luck!
   — Jung

May 6, 2009
i had a 6 month waiting period with my insurance, but did not have to lose any weight at all prior to surgery. had to have many medical clearances, started in oct 2008 and had my surgery april 2 2009 . good luck
   — gogirl1960

May 6, 2009
I meet with my doctor in October 07 and had my surgery in February 08.
   — Dale Elaine S.

May 7, 2009
My wait was pretty much the same as everyone elses. I had 6 month doctor supervised diet. Also, you'll probably have to see a psychologist who specializes in bariatric procedures in order to have an evaluation done.
   — Muggs

May 7, 2009
It depends on what your insurance and physician require. It took me six months to get final approval because of my medical background - but if you're reasonably healthy the time should be shorter I would think. It's a lot less than it used to be my sister had hers 5 years ago and it took her over a year to get approved. Good luck.
   — harleygirlohio

May 7, 2009
Hi I had the RNY on 2/19/09. The length of your wait does depend on your surgeon and insurance. I first met with my surgeon in Dec and had surgery in it was quick. My insurance only took 3 weeks to approve me. I had a copay that I had to give to my doctor before scheduling the surgery, but after that it was smooth sailing. Once you're approved and you have a surgery date you will need to get a couple of things done. You will need a physical from your primary doc, an updated pap smear, EKG, blood work (your surgeon will order this), Upper GI xray and probably medical records from the last couple years. I hope this helps. Good luck to you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
   — alojah82

May 8, 2009
I meet with my doctor on the 15th of this month, and am having the surgery on June 4th of this year. So for me just over a 3week period. I am lucky I work for the hospital and my insurance is really good through them. There is no wait time. All I have to worry about is all my tests (ekg, chest xray, PFT) coming out good enough for me to go in to surgery. So I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
   — arrowflingindady

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