hi, i need to know if my tee-tee is to be yellow. HELP

   — lildeb220 (posted on July 28, 2008)

July 28, 2008
If you are refering to your urine, then the answer is yes. Do not be confused by yellow coloring in multi-vitamins however. Concentrated urine will be dark, tea colored. The lighter yellow your urine is the better, as this shows you are getting in plenty of fluids. Aim for minimum of 64 ozs or more daily. Also the amount of urine indicates hydration. Dribbling is not good. You should have a strong stream with a good amout of excreted urine.
   — Gena L.

July 28, 2008
You want to get your urine away from DARK YELLOW that is a sign of dehydration..
   — usfour

July 28, 2008
If your urine is darker than normal and it is not caused by something like vitamins, then you should probably be drinking more water. Carry water WITH you wherever you go and DRINK from the bottle ALL THE TIME. It is usually the only way that people like US can get enough water. Our stomachs are TOO SMALL to get it all at once, so we have to get it in tiny sips all day.
   — hubarlow

July 28, 2008
Pale watery yellow urine is a good sign. Bright lemony yellow urine is normally caused by the Multi-Vitamins you're taking and is normal. Dark brownish urine is a sign of dehydration and is an indication of needing more water/fluids. Reddish or pink urine, or urine streaked with blood is sign of in infection, and is an indication of needing to be seen by a Dcotor.
   — Gina S.

July 29, 2008
Ive been told by several medical professionals that your urine should be clear at least once a day. The clear color is a sure sign you are drinking enough water
   — jenbn

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