When food is STUCK, what is foaming?

I've read alot of the Q&A on this board, but one in the past couple of days asked about the stuckk feeling and several answers included reference to 'foaming'...    — hatda (posted on December 9, 2007)

December 10, 2007
Saliva. The more the food won't go down, the more the body tries to "grease the chute" with saliva. So, it can't go down, either, so the body makes more, which can't go down, so it makes more and so on. Foam. Some of us call it frothing.
   — vitalady

December 10, 2007
trust me you don't want to find out!!! it is a terrible feeling- it's like you can't get it up or down. it's only happened to me 2 or three times and it's not fun, make sure you eat small bites and chew very, very, good. hope this helps.... Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

December 11, 2007
saliva. more saliva.. and if it comes up after you have burped belched and the not it comes up like a fur ball.. thats the best way to discribe it
   — jasonsexybabe

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