
My surgeon requires me to be on a two week liquid diet BEFORE surgery. Has anyone else had to do this....did you accomplish this, and seriously, how did you NOT eat solid food. I am so very hungry!!!! I just wondered what the benefits of this diet please help!!! Thanks. oh, the liquid diet......4 protein shakes a day under 200 calories each, chicken broth, sugar free jello...popsicles, tea, coffee, sugar free sherbert.... YUMMMMMMMMMMMMM.....    — formybabies (posted on September 20, 2007)

September 20, 2007
Hi, It is required to have you go on a (10 day)high protein liquid diet for my surgeon. The reasoning behind this is that it shrinks the liver that is in front of your stomach. Doing this helps make for an easier surgery for you and your surgeon.
   — cathy41tired

September 20, 2007
This is exactly what I did before surgery except it was 5 shakes. I used the ultra slim fast which was what was recommended by the nutritionist. You get through it because you have to. I didn't cheat once. Not one crumb. At first I went hour to hour, then day to day for the first week. The 2nd week I counted down to the big day and knew I was doing the right thing, making the right choice and changing my life. I was right!!!! The reason you do this is to shrink your liver up to 30%. The reason this is important is because the liver is big, too big to resect it with the tools they use for laparoscopy. They need that liver smaller to do use their laparoscopy instruments. If the liver is not shrunk they have to make the big incision to do the surgery open and the recuperation is much longer etc. or sometimes they just close you back up and don't do the surgery at all. (not to scare you, just telling you what I was told). You have to do this without cheating and I know you can! I did it and most of us have done it and you'll get thru it.
   — Stacey D.

September 20, 2007
You are very lucky that you are able to have jello, popsicles, tea and coffee and sherbert. I had to be on a protein shake for two weeks before and I was not able to have those items. But the previous two messages you received are correct. The surgeon wants you to do this so it will shrink your liver. I have to be honest and say that I did cheat quite a few times. But it was normally with a Cesar salad, never meat, noodles, etc. Our dietician told us to do our best, but they did not expect perfection. They also pressure you not to eat and when I did, I felt guilty. I was very thankful for the shake diet prior to surgery because it totally cleans out your system and you won't crave all those foods you are used to eating after your surgery.
   — Lynda C.

September 20, 2007
Delda, I am right there with you. I have tried every shake out there and I havent found one yet I like the taste of. But like the other's state, it has to be done. I gave up a trip to Hawaii this week for business because this surgery is too important to me. I remember that everytime I want food! I have only shakes and broth. Wish me luck, I'm praying for you!
   — micheledgracia

September 20, 2007
I only had to be on a liquid diet for one week, pre op. I thought it was going to be difficult but it wasn't. I was so busy that week that I actually lost 10 lbs! I was pleased with that. I was told the same thing as the others, that the liquid diet is meant to shrink your liver to make it easier for the surgeon to move it out of the way so he can get to the stomach. I didn't want to jeopardize my own surgery so I did not cheat once. And it helped not only to cleanse me but I lost my appetite for sweets. I used to be a big chocolate fan but now I wouldn't touch it. I am 6 1/2 weeks post op and have lost 45 lbs. You will be so happy after your surgery, that you actually did it! Don't give up on the liquids. That is the first step toward changing your life forever. Good luck! -@li
   — cherub13

September 20, 2007
My advice is to make home made chicken soup and strain out the chicken and veggies. The canned stuff has no protein and tastes nasty. What you make yourself could be delicious! I only had to do a liquid fast 2 days pre-op and lost 4 lbs! I lived on the home made soup! You can try the EAS and Myoplex ready to drink shakes too. They are pretty good, I like the caramel and strawberry in the EAS. Myoplex is on special at Vitamin Shoppe this month for 1/2 price.
   — Sheri A.

September 20, 2007
I was required to be on a complete liquid diet for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after. This first 3-4 days was horrible but by the 5th day it got better. I drank Low Carb Carnation Instant Breakfast and Slim Fast Low Carb and was allowed 5 a day along with s/f jello, broth, caf/free tea, s/f popsicles. Like everyone says this is for shrinking your liver and I had open RNY not lap.......
   — Nee P

September 20, 2007
worst week of my life, the liquids did not fill me up, I was a hungry bear and then the am of surgery, knowing as I walked into the hospital from the parking lot, , now I'm getting the surgery and eating is never going to be the same, it was a very stressful time for me, I was angry, upset and pretty pissed off at myself for what I was doing to myself, but now 8 weeks later and down like 50 lbs, whatever, it's just a head trip with your old self and eating habits, it gets a whole lot better , but be asy not to advance your diet too soon after surgery, give yourself time to heal correctly, after all it's only a few staples holding it all together, don't want a blow out at this time, could be fatal, be patient. one step and one day at a time!! Brian ps hope you don't mind me telling you straight up the way it was for me.
   — johndough

September 20, 2007
Because of my very high weight I have to do it for three weeks. I'm so not looking forward to it! Luckily I'm not working so I can just lie in bed and stare blankly at the TV instead of actually trying to function.
   — dorkyfatgrrrl

September 20, 2007
My surgeon required it too. There are several reasons most importantly and above all - it shrinks your liver and allows your surgeon to poke around and do his thing. It helps to reduce complications. It cleans out your intestines (which they will be working on and with). It helps you prepare for the transition after surgery. It was a bit tough - sure. But once you realize that it's mind over matter - drink a glass of water when you get hungry. Chew some gum or eat some ice if you feel like you need to chew. Good luck. U can do it!!
   — jammerz

September 20, 2007
Hi there.... Yes, my surgeon required me to be on a diet too before the gastric bypass I had in Dec. 06. I was told to drink an ESA or Atkins shake in the morning and for luunch. Then a small HIGH PROTIEN dinner. I was able to lose about 15 lbs before surgery. It is requried so your liver is smaller and they are able to work easier. I am surprised that you have to do the full liquid diet before surgery. That is usually afterwards for 3 weeks. How much longer do you have? You might also want to call and confirm what you were told and see if that is correct by talking to the nurse. Good luck with your surgery!!! Let me know if you have any other questions....Ronda
   — Ronda C.

September 20, 2007
I too had 2 weeks no solids.. and it was easy for me.. sorry but it was, I thought that I wanted to have no complications after and make it easier for the doctor and myself. Plus, I brought a small crock pot into work and made fresh veg soup, chicken soup, tri-tip soup, bean soup, etc.. and strained the broth for me, and gave my office partner the solids.. it was great and my office always smelled good too.. hehehe. Best of luck and I am sure that you can put your mind to it.. As for the protien, I tried a lady called and she sells samples of tons of protien powders, so I ordered a bunch from her and tried them, till I found one i like.. I also use the Soy milk in my shake, I did not think I would like it, but i like it better then milk or water.. My G/f did not have to do the liquid stage and she has had so many problems... So please follow what your surgeon says.. Best of luck.. Cynthia 7-11-07 lost 54 lbs so far!! yes!!
   — babesintoyland

September 20, 2007
well i know i'm probably going to get alot of negative feedback and i don't know how strict your surgeon is but i was supposed to do that damn liquid diet and didn't and my surgery went just fine...when my surgeon asked me if i did it i just gave him a look like "your high" and he laughed....he knows that is unrealistic for a person whose stomach is the size of a 2 liter coke bottle to be able to accomplish this...for those of you that could....more power to you really! but considering i was going to have the rest of my life to drink those fargin shakes and eating like a bird i was going to have one last
   — lizzie42

September 20, 2007
By no means are you alone... Just about everyone has to do the liquid diet in one form or another. There are several reasons for this. The main one is to shrink your liver before the surgery making it easier for the Dr to move out of the way and lessen the risk of complications or having to switch from a lap to open procedure. 2. It acts as a purge - cleaning out your intestinal tract so it's nice and clean while the surgeon is working on it.. trust me you don't no nasty stuff coming out into your abdomen when the surgeon has to cut the intestines. and a 3rd and 4th reason for the liquid diet is to help you lose a bunch of weight just before surgery (again to lessen chance of complications) and it gives your body (and brain) a heads up of what's going to be a reality soon... after the surgery you have to be on all liquid diet to allow your new pouch time to heal correctly. I feel for you, and know what your going through. I am still months away from my surgery but to show to my Dr's (yes several Drs) my "commitment" to this surgery I have started (with nutrionists approval) a slimfast diet. I drink 2-3 slimfast drinks a day with an added scoop of protein powder, S/f Jello for snacks and a small low carb high protein meal a day. Your probably asking yourself WHY am I doing it now this far away from surgery... well.. I have several reasons.. I have unspecified liver disease so my liver is "HUGE" My Diabetes has always been out of wack because I have a VERY high Insulin resistance and I am just starting to get some control of it with U500 insulin and since I will have to learn to adapt to the smaller meals and protein drinks AFTER the surgery anyways now is a good time to allow myself to adjust to it and by doing it now for the next several months it will show all of my Dr's, Surgeon and Insurance company how committed I am to this surgery and making sure I will be able to follow the "rules" afterwards. Two weeks? You'll be fine. ~try 6 - 8 months *giggle*~ If you have to make up a sign affirming the reason(s) why you are doing this and post it everywhere in the house so you can see it... on fridge, on cupboard doors, on bathroom mirror...etc..etc... anywhere you will see it and it will help remind you of WHY you are doing this and that the end result will be worth the trouble and hassle now. Good Luck
   — Queenszd

September 20, 2007

   — AllieT

September 20, 2007
I had to go on a 2 week liquid diet too. The first few days were really hard but I got used to it. I guess the hardest thing for me was the fact that my liquid diet was over the Christmas and New Years Holidays. Take it one day at a time and remember what the outcome will be with the surgery and a newer healthier you.
   — posprudence

September 21, 2007
I guess I was lucky! My surgeon required 2 weeks of strict Atkins diet. So it was meats, eggs, cheese, etc. No problem. I lost 13 pounds before I went under "the knife!" As far as the gal wanting pizza...I believe "all things in modereation". So go ahead and blast me but my opinion is that if you want pizza, half a slice or whatever will do you no harm.
   — loves2stamp

September 21, 2007
I heard the same thing from my surgeon & nutritionist...need to shrink that liver before surgery!! I'm starting my two weeks this coming Tuesday...although I feel lucky compared to some of you, because I only have to have 3 shakes a day, and I am allowed 1 SMALL meal (around 300 calories) each evening. I thought it was going to be tough, but I'm now counting my blessings since I at least get to eat real food once a day!! Good Luck :)
   — sbonner

September 21, 2007
Pretty sure its a standard pratice to shrink your liver. You might consider this some GOOD pratice in your new life to come POST OP. There will be bigger sacrifices. It sounds harder than it actually is. And once it is accomplished, you will be that more better off! Good luck
   — rmalwick

September 21, 2007
Yes this part really sucks, but often a requirement to have a LAP RNY in stead of an open one. From my experience and others...1. protein shakes don't taste all that good. You are looking for one that doesn't make you gag (not yummy I take another!lol) 2. the first few days you will feel like crap. Think headache and maybe nausea. If you are a big caffiene drinker it would probally be better to cut that WAY down before the fasting(caffiene withdrawl can make the headache MUCH worse) 3. If possible take time off of work for this fast. You probally won't feel well and will probally be a bit on the cranky side. 4. Best of luck, in the end it is worth it!
   — tazthewiz23

September 21, 2007
Wow, my surgery is Oct 2 and the dietician or doctor did not mention liquids. They only said to reduce your carbs. I wonder if I should make changes over the next week pre-op?
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 22, 2007
My doc has not required any special diet all the way up to two days before surgery. I'm not sure what the benefit is to it, maybe to shrink the liver (I've heard that). You should ask him. I can see doing the liquid diet postop when your not hungry and your pouch is in place, but not how you are preop! I don't think I would be able to do it either. Hang in there and do follow whatever your surgeon says to be safe. Just concentrate on your results. Mousie
   — jhadden

September 22, 2007
Hello!! My surgeon has had me on 5, 8oz protein shakes a day plus water and Crystal Light. NOTHING ELSE!! It's for 2 weeks before surgery. My surgery is the day after tomorrow. There are times when it gets hard. But I have to remind myself how bad I want this. I'm doing this for my life. When I feel myself wanting to give in and sneak a little something, I run and do something else to take my mind off of it. Or I simply think about the guilt I would feel if I didn't give this my best shot. For myself and my babies. It's not the easiest thing I've ever done. But it sure isn't the hardest either. I've lost 20lbs! You can do it!! One day at a time. I wish you the best of luck. Rhonda
   — dragontears

September 23, 2007
I know what you mean, it was so hard. Diet Pepsi saved me, it makes you feel full.
   — LIsa G.

September 23, 2007
I know what you mean, it was so hard. Diet Pepsi saved me, it makes you feel full.
   — LIsa G.

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