What types of food are best to eat after the deuodonal switch procedure?

   — kwazzimoto9 (posted on October 25, 2006)

October 25, 2006
I have had BPD which in effect is so very similar to your surgery. I found that still after 15 years has passed low fat/ no fat foods are the the foods that do not trigger diaroehea. Fruit vegetables and cereals and quality proteins. A wls nutritionist would be just the person to walk you through what is necessarary know to avoid unpleasant symptoms of diarohea and flatulence.
   — Lise K.

October 26, 2006
With the DS just about everything is okay... after you have eaten protein. It's necessary to eat 90-100 grams of protein a day. After that, if you have room for it, you can eat anything you want. Come to the Duodenal Switch Forum board here on OH and we have a daily "What did you eat today?" post and you can get an idea what post ops eat. Of course a lot depends on how long it's been since surgery... the first few months there were several foods that gave me gas... and milk gave me diareah. But now I can eat just about anything. BTW - The old BPD is *nothing* like the BPD/DS or more appropriately called the VSG/DS (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy/Duodenal Switch). I'm post-op 7 months for my DS and since I malabsorb 80% of fats, I don't have to watch my fat intake at all. I have 1 or 2 BMs a day, first thing in the morning. Diareah is not typical with the DS and if a DSer has issues, they need to see their surgeon and figure out what is wrong. Sometimes a course of Flagyl will fix it or adding probiotics. Definately visit the DS Forum -- you'll find lots of support there.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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