Post-op Panniculectomy 6 weeks, I am returning to work I need help...

I continue to have leakage of fluid at my incision and exit sites. Also through the top of my right leg (incision site). I have used various dressings and even maxi-pads. But I can't seem to get the magic dressing to control my leakage. I don't want to leave work everyday due to wet clothes. Anyone have any suggestions that worked good for them? Thanks so much.    — Kristee (posted on July 26, 2006)

July 26, 2006
Have you ever thought of going back to the surgeon. That really is his job
   — Steve Cohen

July 26, 2006
I have worked with these types of wound for many years, and there is nothing over-the-counter that will absorb the drainage like you need. Also I am a little shocked to hear you are cleared to return to work with open wounds. Has the surgeon cultured these areas to see if the drainage is a result of an infection? Has a home health nurse been sent to you to teach you how to pack these areas? I would see your surgeon and ask for these things before you run into so many other problems. Please know I am not slamming on you, but I do not have more info to go by. Good luck and email anytime if you need advice. [email protected]
   — scharlier

July 26, 2006
I agree with the second poster about having your surgeon culture that wound. Not sure you have heard of MRSA it's a very very ugly infection and it's nearly impossible to get rid of it. Highly contagious. I myself would be scared of what others could give me since you have open wounds. I am a disabled nurse and there is nothing on the market that will prevent leakages. I myself from the RNY leaked horribly for 3 weeks and ended up with bad tape burns due to having to change the dressings up to 6 times a day. I understand the need to work believe me, but advise your boss of the situation about the leakage as a nurse I wouldn't have been able to work till I had a closed incision as was the rules.
   — Deborah Joyner

July 26, 2006
YIKES!! I had a belt lipectomy (all the way around tummy tuck and lateral thigh lift)... I never experienced leakage like you are talking about... Do you think maybe you are not healing correctly? I didn't have leakage at all after a few days, and not much to start with.. I think once I took the doctor's bandages off I never had to rebandage or pack. Wow I guess I was lucky, I am SORRY you have to experience this!!!

July 27, 2006
Original Poster here: Hello, I guess I need to give more info on my dilemma. My panniculectomy surgery was rather extensive. The average amount removed is anywhere from 6-12 pounds. Mine was 20 pounds. I was supposed to be in 23 hour observation and d/c'd the next day, but my hemoglobin dropped significantly. My surgeon said I was very vascular down there and there was a massive amt of tissue removed and it is not that unusual. Anyways I stayed three days in the hospital and received 4 units of blood. My labwork gradual return to where I was showing stability and then d/c'd to home with two drains. The last one was removed after three weeks. They said I still have a lot of fluid and that if my body didn't have an exit then it would create one and it did, at the top of my right leg so I continue to seep fluid, but it will decrease over time maybe another month. I do feel lighter but I also am still very puffy and swollen. I have seen my surgeon two times a week since coming home. My wounds are free from infection and actually look great. I am also an registered nurse, so believe me I know what to look for. I continue to be on antibiotics as a preventative measure. The leaking is not so severe that I cannot return to work, I feel strong enough and will continue to see the surgeon on a weekly basis. I was just trying to see if anyone had come up with an unique way to dress a wound. It is in a unusual place and easy to trickle down my leg and out to my shoe. I appreciate all the concern and suggestions. It was my fault I should have given more info. Thanks again! Kristee
   — Kristee

July 27, 2006
As a nurse as well, who had an abdominoplasty and had drainage, sounds like a seroma to me. Did you have drains? I had two drains and even after they were removed I had drainage. I don't know of anything special-just frequent dressing changes. It will get better. Stay positive.
   — anyce

July 27, 2006
I would first follow up with my surgeon. I had an incisional hernia repaired and had the same type of problem. I went work a week after surgery.. felt great. However, one evening I leaned up against my island in my kitchen and liquid ran down from my stomach...I had a huge puddle. I was scared....made a quick visit to my surgeon who told me to keep it bandage with thick padding and he actually encouraged me to drain the area each evening when I got home by pressing lightly. He said he saw no signs of infection. Everything dried up with 3 weeks. Bandage the area with thick padding and put a binder on.
   — debmi

July 27, 2006
Hi Kristee, One thing my dad used once after he had surgery and experienced leaking was a nursing pad. It was the most absorbant thing we could find...just a thought! Blessings ~ Monica
   — MonicaCarr

August 24, 2006
Hopefully your drainage is better by now, but in case it's not. I ended up using 2 pads at a time to keep the drainage from leaking onto my clothes. You may also simply have to change the dressings more often. I know this is a pain because the supplies cost money, but it may be necessary for a whle. Also rinsing the wound with saline solution at least daily will help it heal ( I use contac lense saline solution, it is easy to just squirt the saline over the wound using a towel to soak up the spilled water. Good luck. cathy
   — catleth

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