Can bread type food do damage?

I admit it. I have a very weak willpower whem it comes to bread type food. I am only a few weeks post op and I broke down yesterday. I ate some of a tortilla. My questions is, Is it possible to do any damage to the new pouch? I don't think I hurt any, I can't feel anything passed my guilt. Please let me know what you think.    — SdH18 (posted on February 24, 2006)

February 24, 2006
honestly in small amounts I dont think it will harm you. Just remember it is fattening, and does tend to cause gas and bloating in some people.
   — maria_sola

February 24, 2006
Its not a goos thing to get started on, but, you should only still be on pureed foods & with bread it tends to swell after eating. a tortilla will probably be fine, stay away from the flour & the corn is actually probably a little better if you are going to eat them. small amounts only. Your best bet is to stay away from bread, I did not eat any for months & months there is no protein in them & wasted space. so think before you eat.
   — Marilyn C.

February 24, 2006
If you chew it really really well and make sure you moisten it a bit with water so it can pass easily through your pouch there is no real harm done. But beware of the cravings. If you don't master them, after your honeymoon phase of losing (usually about two years out), you WILL begin to regain if you can't get control of your carbs. I'm living proof. I got down to 145 and am back up to 175 and panicking. Don't drown yourself in guilt but you have the right to be a bit fearful. It might sound silly but if you can't learn to say no to yourself then at some point something like Overeaters Anonymous might be of assistance to you...
   — j_coulter

February 25, 2006
i could'nt even think about eating any type of bread or pasta for the first 8 months. I would puke anything bread or pasta related right back up. For some reason my stomach was sensitive to carbs. I eat them without problems now but in small amounts. It bloats me if I eat to much and the carbs in it break down into sugars and causes my sugar to drop in the night while I sleep.
   — imgabbie

February 25, 2006
I ate lot's of crackers in soup. They went down well. Bread-didn't sit too well, but I've even made pizza on low carb flat bread-yum. I'm almost 3 months out. I think you're feeling guilty for nothing.
   — janh

February 26, 2006
Personally I'd stay away from it for awhile. It was nine months before I could eat bread (and chicken) without it setting like a rock in my pouch. At five years out I still have trouble... and drinking water with bread is even worse! It seems to swell up and cause more pain. If you must have some bread, then just a couple swollows.... chew well and don't eat anything else for awhile. Bread can really mess some of us up. And I dearly love bread so it hurts twice. ;)
   — Danmark

February 26, 2006
Well, like everything with this surgery, there are no general rules, in my experience I can tell you that I have no troubles when it comes to eating bread, in fact it goes down better than tuna or sometimes eggs. you do havve to try to eat smart but I don't think you hurt your pouch.
   — iaheel

February 26, 2006
Stephanie, Be very careful I too had no will power and had a popcorn cake(like a rice cake) OOOPPPs not a good idea it caused a blockage, I threw up blood for 24 hours and had to go to the hospital for IV fluids and an x-ray where you have to drink some really very disgusting stuff. Just be careful I was only out a few weeks when that happened. Pam
   — sunnie

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