having trouble with pre-op liquid diet

I am always so hungry. I am drinking at least 64 oz. every day and taking in all the diet drinks every day but I am still starving. I cheated a couple of times because I couldn't quit obsessing about food. Anyone else cheated on their pre-op liquid diet. Any negative consequences? I am a week away from RNY and I want to make sure all is okay.    — kittymama03 (posted on September 19, 2010)

September 19, 2010
I think everyone is "hungry" on the pre-op diet. The key is following your NUT's diet. On mine, I had 4 chocolate shakes a day (Pure Protein that you can get a Trader Joe's and that I think are the BEST)... and then I could supplement with low sodium Tomato soup with skim milk.. and also Cucumbers with fat free dressing. I lost 20 lbs pre-op... and had my surgery 8 months ago and am down 124 lbs. YOU CAN DO IT... forget the food-- it's no longer going to be the center of your life. If you are having a tough time, get out of the house. Go for a walk, go to a friends house etc.. but you have to start now.. conquering the the hold that food has over you ! Best of luck.. YOU CAN DO IT !
   — KQinNC

September 19, 2010
The first three days were the hardest for me, then it got better. It's a sacrifice, but so well worth it. Your Dr. wants your liver smaller, less worrisome for surgery. Heck, after surgery you will not be worried at all about food, you won't be hungry. Good luck!
   — FSUMom

September 19, 2010
Hi, I am 9 mos out and at goal :) I've lost 84 lbs and I rmemeber how difficult the beginning was. I remember telling people that I was so mentally hungry. It's tough to, as I refer to it, "divorce food"! Don't cheat! It does get easier! If you don't get thru the mental hunger before surgery you will have to deal with it after surgery and you'll have enough to deal with healing your body... you are going to be so happy, it is so worth it! Good Luck Debbie ~live as if all your dreams came true~
   — fortywhat2

September 19, 2010
Let's just say how it is. That diet sucks!! But you can do it. I cheated on the diet to and felt so bad and worried I wouldn't be able to have the surgery. I am 1 year and 4 months out from RNY I've lost 87% of my excess weight,132 lb. I'm past goal. I wish I could say this diet is the hardest part of the whole surgery but I can't. Soon you will be going through the stages. Liquid, puree, solids, etc. After the surgery the liquid diet was hard at first. Because you are still craving food. My daughter was nice enough to eat McD's and KFC in front of me right after surgery. Just the smell of the food drove me crazy. Now it doesn't bother me. Just do the best you can and remember the goal at the end. Try and stay busy. Workout, take a walk, call a friend, write your feelings down. Do what ever it takes. It is all worth it in the end. Good luck.
   — dsquire

September 19, 2010
Thanks for all of the input! I am about 3 weeks away from the liquid diet and tried it for a couple of days and ended up cheating with grits in the evening. I guess the best advice is look for the long term goal. I know a couple of times during the day when I was hungry i played a video game, called a friend, did something that distracted my mind.
   — caxb2009

September 19, 2010
try optidiet soups or boullion with tomato juice in it...for a "hot meal". I wanted something hot in the evening..
   — caxb2009

September 20, 2010
The fact that ur saying ur obessing with food is a bad sign in my opinion only because after surgery u won't be able to have food for awhile so how bad is ur obsession going to get then? Plus u can cheat now but u can't after cuz ur life will be on the line if u do. I think u need to deal with the mental issue before surgery or right after surgery. I'm only 20 days out and I can't stop thinking about food an I do feel hungry. So what will u do if u end up like me? Hungry and obessing on food.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2010
I want to say stay true to the liquid diet. I had a friend have a RNY before the liquid diet was introduced. So her liver was HUGE. The dr. that did her surgery nicked or actually cut her liver so that hour-2 hour surgery lasted like 3-4 because they had to repair or whatever they do while in there. Also, I agree with whoever said that is a scary thing to obbess over food. What are you going to do post op? You know the first few weeks from what I have read is no food all liquid while the pouch heals. After that what about the things you can't have in fear of dumping. I think maybe a few counseling session to conquer that might be a good idea. Get some tools. For me..I when I get the craves and what tons of food..and I have not started my supervised diet yet for 3 months...I try meditating. I have been told a craving only last a minute or so..So if you can stop..close your eyes..try to get in a zen like place in your mind. Picture the new you..or some goal...let that moment pass....if you want to chew...try sugar free gum...remember to spit it out not swallow...or chew ice...but that is bad for your teeth...LOL...GOOD LUCK...
   — That_816_Princess

September 20, 2010
Carbs r what we crave so try not to eat those. The more you drink or eat of those, the harder it is. Be sure your liquids aren't carbs.
   — Kristy

September 20, 2010
I am 5-wks Post Op today and down 41 lbs so far :). For me, the pre-op liquid diet was the hardest part of my journey. I hear you when you say you're hungry, but guess what, it will not kill you. Not to sound harsh, but your body is not going to shrivel up and die just because you are hungry. I am very concerned about your obsessing about food and your cheating. With my surgeon, if you cheat on the pre-op diet, they will usually cancel surgery. The pre-op liquid diet is a pre cursor to how you will be living life after surgery. No, I no longer feel hungry most days but there are times when I feel like I'm starving (I just don't hear my tummy growl, lol), and I definitely crave foods I cannot have. Have you sought help for your obsessive thoughts about food? I go to OA (Overeaters Anonymous), I went for a couple of years pre-op and I continue to go now that I'm post op. Just a suggestion, my surgeon was delighted that I was involved with it. Other things that helped me in the liquid pre-op diet were sugar-free popsicles and sugar-free jello and then by the end of it, I got sick of everything being sweet and doubled up my broth and even ended up sipping pickle juice! lol... Focus on what works but don't cheat! It's not worth having your surgery postponed or cancelled unless you think you are not ready for this change. Good luck sweetie...
   — Clumsybarbie

September 20, 2010
I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YOU! My surgery is a week away and I have lost 16 lbs in the last 2 weeks on replacing only 2 meals a day. I am very careful with the 3rd meal, but I know I should do all three. I asked my doc's assistant about having alittle something extra and he said alot of people do for a snack...something like broccoli, carrots, low calorie something. He did say following the doctors suggestion of all 3 meal replacements is the best, but since I have almost lost the requested 20lbs before surgery I should be fine. I do agree with some of the replies that if we do not handle our mental hunger before surgery it will make eating after surgery the suggestion of talking to someone or exercising when the mental hunger gets us may help us alot. Good luck, and if you want to keep in touch send me a note. I would like to know how you do.
   — Dana M.

September 20, 2010
hi my name is sandy i had to go through the same thing a year and half ago it was very hard not to cheat but i got through it i took in the diet drinks and i also would drink clear soup broth for my meals along with slim fast to help with the cravings .
   — sandy fairweather

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