Gastro and it's afftect on RNY people.

I am 7mos post op RNY, lost 108 lbs so far and fee good.We went on little vacation and I feel like I caught a little gastro with diahrea. How does something like this affect my system and what is the best way to handle it. I took some immodium and it seemed to do the trick. Still feel a little crampy and stools are still pretty loose.    — buceriasjean (posted on July 11, 2010)

July 11, 2010
Jean, you didn't say where you went on vacation or what you ate, but I can give you general suggestions and if you have further questions, I'd be glad to help. 1: If you went to a country like Mexico or any country without a safe water supply, you can pick up a parasitic surprise by drinking, rinsing or gargling with the water, washing food with the water, or eating anything that has contact with the water if it isn't treated or boiled. 2. Did you eat anything like milk or other dairy products, and have you had any lactose intolerance prior to this time? 3. Did you eat any sugar-alcohols like manitol or sorbitol? These are typically used to sweeten items like sugar-free candies and the like...they are a very good laxative with just a little overdoing. 4. Fried or greasy/high-fat foods can do this...even things like olives or avocados...baked fatty fish like Catfish, etc...these can all give you that "get up and go!" feeling. 5. It could also easily be food poisoning, and that can last up to two weeks or so. Without more specifics, I would be afraid to venture further guesses, but if you found you in any of these, you might have an idea of how to avoid future adventures of this nature. I made two years Post RNY July 2, and I've lost 180 pounds and 28 inches from my waist, and I'm still losing, just slowly. GBY and good luck on your journey. Dusty
   — Dusty Ray Vaughn

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