Will my Blue Cross and Blue Shield pay again

Does anyone know if they will pay for a revision? I had surgery in 2003, and I only lost 30 pounds. I still need to lose 120 more. I really need to have this done but dont know about the insurance. Has anyone with bcbs had a revision done? Thanks Toni    — toni (posted on February 16, 2007)

February 17, 2007
Tony, you ask a tough question. What does your surgeon say about your small weight loss since 2003? Did you lose than gain? BCBS may or may not cover a revision since you still have over 100 pounds to lose, but Tony the problem could be it has nothing to do with the surgery at all. Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence, and if you haven't tackled the head issues, then that could be where your problem lies, at least in part. Having a revision is so much more complicated and dangerous. The risks are much greater to have that done. If you already refuse to listen to your pouch (not saying you do, but let me surmise for a minute here, even if it is wrong), if you are not using the tool you have now, you have to ask yourself if you will use it should you get it revised? May I suggest you go back to basics, protein, water and exercise, all three are the key to weight loss for the wls patient. If you skip one, you cause yourself grief in one way or another. Please seek out your surgeon. You should be getting annual check ups with him/her, and they should be aware of what your issues are. You have no posts on your site, and no information about what your real situation is. Revision is very dangerous and won't solve any head issues that lead you to eat what and when you want regardless of the consequences. Please consider carefully (I am sure you are, but I am just saying it anyway). Surgery is a tool not a miracle. It will still always take effort and self control to take and keep weight loss off. If you have been doing this all along, then your surgeon may have some concrete advice for you. Take care and best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

February 18, 2007
Have your mechanics been checked? With such a disappointing weight loss, that'd be the firstplace I'd look, then to your program. Faithful adherence to a bad program is no reflection on your character! ... ... is where I'd go to ask about long term concerns. Many of us have been revised from older type surgeries or failed newer surgeries.
   — vitalady

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