
I was just trying to find out if having an abortion effects ur chances of being approved by the insurance company?    — floatxtothesky (posted on July 22, 2006)

July 22, 2006
I don't see why it would affect anything.
   — amillman

July 22, 2006
Absolutely not. And if they deny you, I'd sue.
   — platypus

July 22, 2006
Was the abortion covered under your insurance company? If not, I don't know if I would even tell them. There is no way this should effect your chances. I agree with the last poster, if they deny you because of it, I would sue. But seriously, I should not be an issue for this type of surgery.
   — amysocko

July 22, 2006
No it shouldn't. If you want to take an old person's advice........don't advertise to the world you had an abortion.
   — smparker2

July 22, 2006
All right, all right, all right. Three times I tried not to respond to this question, and I just can't not respond. . . What would an abortion have to do with WLS??? I agree with the old person, don't advertise having had an abortion. It's nothing to be proud of, and certainly not something to be posting on a Q&A board that gets read by hundreds daily. I have a hard time believing that this question was posted sincerely.
   — onmiway

July 22, 2006
Sorry, me again. I must appologize for being so cold with the last response. I just read ur profile and I wanted to add to my response. If the life decision ur about to make is the abortion, please think long and hard. Don't have one because of worries of prolonging the wait for surgury. In fact, I know I don't know the circumstances, but if at all possible, don't ever have one at all. All of the women I treat who've had them regret their decision and everyday find themselves coping with feelings of guilt, loss, and depression.
   — onmiway

July 22, 2006
Geez Rebecca, the lady asked a question about surgery. She didn't ask for anyones opinion on abortion. Her personal choice is no ones business but her own. Stop being so judgemental and look in the mirror. Do you like being judged? If you can't help answer her question then just be quiet and move on. Only our maker can be our judge!!
   — Salina

July 23, 2006
I would not tell your insurance folks anything about having had an abortion...if you submitted the procedure for insurance that is one thing (but it should not be a reason for denial.) Look at it this wasy: if your insurance cove
   — Mrs. Crabapple

July 23, 2006
I would not tell your insurance folks anything about having had an abortion...why do they need to know? Don't take any guff from anyone about having had one in the past. It is your legal right to do whatever you want.
   — Mrs. Crabapple

July 23, 2006
I do not see any connection.
   — Novashannon

July 23, 2006
Why would the insurance company need to know? I do not remember this kind of questioning on my surgeons paperwork.
   — fattykoo30

July 23, 2006
I wouldn't think so and I don't believe the surgeon can reveal that in his write up. One has nothing to do with the other.
   — the7thdean

July 23, 2006
Some of the questions on medical history forms will ask how many pregnancies and how many births. Don't lie on your medical history form. As far as telling the world goes, those that want to sit back and judge will have their day to be judged, as well. I would answer the questions truthfully.
   — LauraA

July 23, 2006
Maybe the one that referred to herself as "old lady" was just trying to help so that the poster of this question doesn't get a bunch of negative responces. I don't know that it would HELP any in being approved. I personally don't believe in abortion, but being open minded for this responce I would say I don't think it would help any.
   — Jenn aka 2n

July 23, 2006
I wrote that totally wrong...I don't think they should be able to deny you for that. I think I had misunderstood. Yikes, what a bad mix up. Sorry about that.
   — Jenn aka 2n

July 23, 2006
Honestly.. They may ask you at some point how many pregnancies you have had. Then will ask how many live children. In my case, I had two miscarriages as well as an abortion, of which I will fight anyone tooth and nail to say I shouldn't have done it under my circumstances. So before anyone ELSE decides to hammer me over it... Its MY PERSONAL BUSINESS why I had it done. Now to help out this person asking the question.. you can choose to tell them you miscarried or whatever. Don't lie and say you've never been pregnant or take one pregnancy off if you have. It is important to your medical care that they have a full picture of your health history. It won't make any difference unless you get a doctor who is puts his opinions before his medical practice (I've only ever had one and this was at a Catholic hospital and that was because he didn't want to prescribe birth control pills when I was 18 and a newlywed...) Also, don't listen to these people that say you have to deal with loss, anger, etc. If you are a strong woman and have to go through this you can deal with the mental part of it. Just don't tell the world OR hang around people who will demean you for it. I have *NO* regrets over mine and it was 15 years ago. I look at my situation and my 18 yr old daughter and know it was the best decision for us ALL! My husband of 20 years agrees! I have never laid around and felt all this guilt or whatever they say I should becuase I was 100% sure before I went in and had it done that this was the best decision. Its those who are uncertain and go through with it that are the ones that I think have the issues. So, if you havent had one and are thinking of one, be 100% sure. Also, Sarah, feel free to contact me offline if you want to talk more. I'm 6 weeks post op on my RNY. One of the best medical decisions I ever made!!!
   — oceanrayne

July 23, 2006
Being a man, I did not have that problem. But if you were denied for that reason I would think there would be legal ramifications. I would consult an attorney.
   — WMKaisla

August 8, 2006
Having an abortion is a personal decision. She can tell whomever she wants and if you don't agree with it .. .TOO bad.. It wasn't your choice.. This is a Q&A Section... She was just curious about it... I would say it wouldn't affect whether or not you'll get approved..
   — Katrina B.

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