Old eating habits creeping back--HELP!!

I need serious help.I had my lap rny on 9/23/03,-66lbs from 323.I'm loosing a little slower than some post ops, but i'm loosing. I need advice on how others have delt with old eating habits. The act of having your body surgically altered would be enough to scare most people straight as far as eating is concerned--NOT ME!! I'm starting to graze and sneak in sugar(it doesn't bother me). I want to constantly eat.I'm not eating anywhere near what i used to, but I can see I'm heading for failure and I'm terrified!!!I have seen the post "just because you can eat it doesn't mean you should" many times, I know this.Just like everyone on this site I knew it before surgery and just like everyone else I needed this surgery because I couldn't control myself. I just really need some help from anyone out there that has conquered thier old habits. I am SCARED TO DEATH that I will fail.I'm not sure I should share this, but I am almost suicidal in my thinking because if I can't do this after surgery-what's the point?! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for listening.    — PAM P. (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 28, 2003
Hi Pam, I had my surgery just before you on 9/4/02 and have lost 70 lbs. I have noticed that I really have to control my tendencies to snack and what I snack on. I set a calorie limit for myself and keep a tally all day long of what I've eaten and keep a running total of the calories and protein grams. I allow myself between 1100 and 1300 calories a day. I make sure I excercise to burn between 300 and 600 calories 6 times a week. I know that alot of people have this surgery so they won't have to be on a diet or keep track like this. But for me, it really helps. Since I had surgery I don't have the starving hungry feeling so I'm better able to keep my calories down. That's how I choose to use my tool. Even with counting calories and exercise I lose slower than alot of other people. Sugar does bother me, I feel ill if I eat too much, but I still will fix myself a bowl of ice cream and then regret it afterward. We are both still in the learning phase, learning that we are satisfied with smaller portions and that we only ocassionally need a taste of the bad stuff to be satisfied. You might want to try doing the calorie/protein diary for awhile and see if it helps you feel more "in control." You're tool will work for you, you just have to figure out what works. Hang in there!!
   — Margaret H.

January 28, 2003
1st, congrats on a great weight loss. Whether it is lost slow or fast, it is lost, right!? 2nd, don't beat yourself up over this. I know it's easier said than done, but I beat myself up over this problem all the time. I am 8 months post-op and down 100lbs. but I eat candy and sugar again (this was my downfall b4 surgery). You have realized that you're not eating as good as you would like, and that's the first step. I haven't conquered my problem yet, but I now get in 10 mroe grams of protein a day and joined the gym, so if I cannot control my sugar intake- atleast I can do something to still lose weight and burn some calories. DO you drink protein drinks at all? I started snacking on chips alot, and instead now I drink more of my protein, Isopure. The candy hasn't changed, but the intake I eat now is like 10X less than it was b4 surgery. I know it still isn't good, but that is the treat I allow myself. Many people still eat chips or cake or candy or icecream, it's all in portion, like it is for "normal" thin people, that's how I think of it. I'm sorry if this didn't help you, but you're not alone, many of us battle our old eating problems. I wish the surgery changed my head along with my tummy, but I have to do that on my own. Goodluck to you, if you want to e-mail me anytime, feel free ([email protected])
   — Lezlie Y.

January 28, 2003
OH MY.....SOUL SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!! I so feel like this and suspect that this is something that happens around this time after surgery. My surgery was the 10/01/02 and after a free-for-all with company during the holidays, I still don't feel as though I've gotten myself back on track. I was doing protein shakes and then went on vacation, didn't drink them and now I find it hard to get back. Sugar doesn't bother me either............ I haven't gained weight and realize that I am in no way eating like I used to, but I miss those days when I didn't eat any sugar at all! Keep the faith, sister and we'll get through this.........I'm planning on re-visiting the "Pouch rules for Dummies" again and re-reading all the stuff I read when I first got this "tool". Please keep believing in yourself and take little steps if gentle with yourself (I tell myself the same) and know that you CAN do this.................................Karen
   — Karen K.

January 29, 2003
Could it be that you are having problems with carb cravings? I went thru that at about 6 months out. The more carbs you eat the more you want. I stay hungry all day if I eat too many carbs! Here's what worked for me. Everybody's different but you can try it and see if it works for you.<p>Eat protein only for breakfast. If I eat carbs for breakfast I get hungry fast and eat more often and larger quantities all day long. When you do eat carbs, make them veggies, fruits, or whole grain stuff (not white, starchy carbs or refined sugars). Also, try to eat ENOUGH protein (for me 100 grams or so) by eating some protein every time you eat. I eat minimeals every few hours. When I went thru that OMG-my-appetite-came-back period I ate small meals every 2 hours--always some protein. Use a timer if you have to--I did. Stay active and hydrated.<p>We are so programmed to believe that our failures are due to some personal failing or problem but the truth is that a lot of this is CHEMICAL. Really! Try the protein loading. I'll bet you get a lot better handle on your eating habits because you will feel more satisfied. I'm not saying I don't eat carbs or graze from time to time, but looking at the big picture I am doing just fine because the majority of the time I eat well. Good luck and hope this helps!
   — ctyst

January 31, 2003
hi pam :) many of us deal with the old habits trying to creep back in. i thankfully dont have the sugar tooth like i used to but im still hit with it once a month. i dont push the sugar envelope so i found some great substitiutes instead. when i get my sweet tooth at rag time, ive tried sugarfree products by russel stover and to me they taste so normal and i cant tell the differenc. i still limit myself as they still have carbs and cals but to me this is the better alternative. i just try to remember why i had wls and ive even plastered before pictures of me on the fridge, its a reminder of a dark place i wish never to return to. if youve had a bad food choice day, try not to beat yourself up over it, just get things into perspective, forgive yourself and pick back up. or if youve eaten something that made you feel terribly guilty, dont let it swallow you, just hop on you exercise bike or go for a long walk until youve burnt off that food that made you feel guilty. its a continued struggle and i wish you the best of luck, hang in there sweety! :)
   — carrie M.

February 2, 2003
Pam, I am right there with you. Only I am only 8 weeks out and havent lost a lb. in probably close to 4 weeks. I am getting really frustrated. I have kinda been eating regular foods. Never a lot. I mean I can only eat 2 maybe 3 ounces, depending on the food. But I am petrified that If I dont get myself into check I am going to blow it!- So as of tomarrow I am going to do a week of strictly what is on my list for my meals. If I see a week of loss I will know that it is not anything surgical and all me being STUPID! I do wish you all the best in your battle! We have just got to remember why we did this to begin with!!-
   — Katie S.

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