Hi I am 7 months out, and doing great weight wise. I have lost 85 lbs.

But lately, I feel kind of tired and worn out, and my blood pressure is staying high, this would not concern me so much but a couple of weeks after surgery I was off the meds and now BAM! right back again. I don't know I feel pretty icky. I am on a plateau right now, but I think it is because I am not eating enough protein. I been snacking somewhat on icecream. I found EDY'S no sugar added, it has 4 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fat per serving91/2 cp) I just wonder if this is the culprit? I just feel run down, and my chest has been giving me problems, although I contribute that to asthma and the weather, but it is irritating. Any suggestions? Anyone else fee like they would be"SUPER MAN OR WOMAN" post op and not needs those icky meds anymore and then be disappointed when you do? Thanks in advance for your help. Open Rny 10/4/01 -85lbs BTC of Oh.    — TONYA B. (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 28, 2002
When was your last blood work? I would call your PCP. Might be a good time for a check up. You might be deficent in something affecting your blood pressure and how you feel. Or being stressed about feeling bad may be driving your BP up.
   — bob-haller

April 28, 2002
Ho Tonya, Sounds like we have been going thru a similar battle. I too started taking my new good health for granted. I am 6 months post-op down almost the same amount as you. I had my surgery at UV Hosp in Charlottesville VA. I started doing everything wrong. I wasn't drinking my water. I stopped thinking protein was so important, slacked off on my vitamins. It got to where I felt better when I didn't take my blood pressure meds than when I did. So my pharmacist recommended I start monitoring my b.p. 3-4 times daily. I've been doing this and, sure enough, my b.p. is normal w/o the meds. but my blood sugar level was a low 48. No wonder I felt like I was going to pass out. I got some good advice from people here on this site. But right away I upped the protein, started drinking my water and started the vitamins again. Also, I bought a liquid sublingual vitamin B-12 that you put under your tongue and that's supposed to up the energy level. My little episode made me realize that we have a regime to stick playing around allowed. I sort of got "relaxed". As far as your blood pressure, start monitoring it. I wish you the best. Hang in there, girl.
   — blank first name B.

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