Anyone who had the RNY having recurring hyponatremia?

I am continuing to have hyponatremia. I am 8 years post op. The Dr's are blaming it on my antidepressants but I have been on antidepressants for many many years and have just developed this low sodium problem as of March of this year. I have already be in the hospital 3 times and my sodium is possibly low again. The Dr's also say I drink too much but I have always drank the same amount since I can remember. They just keep getting my levels back up to a safe level, change my antidepressant and then I seem to be back in the same boat. I was just starting to wonder if it could have something to do with my gastric bypass. Any thoughts on the subject would be appreciated. I am really frustrated. Thanks Cheryl    — cdiss (posted on June 7, 2010)

June 8, 2010
Have you've thought of adding Salt Tablets, to your daily Vitamin intake? I remember having to take them when we were in high school due to the Heat of the Summer and excessive drinking to keep hydrated.
   — Michael Eak

June 11, 2010
Thanks, I will ask my Dr what he thinks. Cheryl
   — cdiss

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