5 days Post op should I still be feeling light headed?

I had a low oxygen level in the hospital after surgery. I get up and walk but I am still feeling light headed and just feels weird. I really don't feel weak...    — peaches51 (posted on September 27, 2009)

September 27, 2009
It will go away soon that is normal you need to drink your protein drinks and get some rest your body is going through a big change.
   — felicia45Cook

September 27, 2009
I would mention it to your surgeon on your next follow up visit.
   — rkurquhart

September 27, 2009
I had my lap band surgery last Wednesday, and I am still light headed. Between not having enough protein, and perhaps any pain meds you might be on, that will do it. I find I'd be lying down and the room spins..not fun! Remember too.. the anesthesia takes awhile to get out of your system. If it still bothers you, be sure to call your doctor.
   — LinnieJean

September 28, 2009
A couple questions for you - are you diabetic? Are you on diabetes meds? I had a similar problem after surgery and there were two issues. One was my blood sugars were extremely low, so they cut my diabetes meds. So be sure you are checking blood sugars if this is an issue. Second was low blood pressure and dehydration - I know it is hard, but try and get in that water! And of course the protein, as well! You can get powdered fat free milk - add some to your protein drinks, jello puddings, etc. This will give you added protein. But most important, bring it up with your surgeon! They need to know what is going on.
   — Wendy M.

September 28, 2009
I have/had the same thing- I am about 6 weeks out. My doctors both think that it is my blood pressure and are watching it. I had high blood pressure going into the surgery and as I loose weight my blood pressure is coming down but I am not off meds yet- that could be what is happening to you- I would speak with your doctor about it.
   — kaylazoe

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