Does anybody ELSE not feel like cooking family meals anymore??

I am nearly 4wks po-op and ever since my surgery I just refrain from cooking for my family whenever i can (ahem, my hunger is back) because i find it too disappointing to cook, with all the good smells, when all i can eat is like 2% of what i this normal??Have YOU ever felt this way? and a 30 lb weight loss good for the first 3 1/2 wks??    — littleguzla (posted on March 1, 2008)

March 1, 2008
You'll need your family support, just as they need you to support the family. Cooking is one way to show the family you still care, and maybe they'll help with the other chores you can't do at this time.
   — Dave Chambers

March 1, 2008
Congrats & yes to the 30 lbs. lost. Great job inonly 3.5 weeks. I, too, often feel like I don't want to cook for my family. But... more often than not, I go ahead and cook because I know what they'll be eating if I don't. Junk! So, I do try to get myself in gear whether I feel like it or not. Thankfully, I have a very supportive husband who can cook quite well (better than me...did I say that?) and he does not complain about cooking. Good luck to you & keep up the great work! Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

March 1, 2008
You are at the same point that I am at. I don't cook right now. The smells bother me. Seeing that I am only eating thicker liquids. I have a hard time being around food smells. As for the weight, great job!
   — teresasmiles

March 1, 2008
It's very normal I think. In fact, it was one of my major concerns before considering surgery. My husband is a healthy eater...meaning he likes to eat....and not ALWAYS My son, is picky, and I LOVE to cook. After surgery, I managed well, for awhile....but found the trick was to make a large batch of something...such as a hot dish/casserole, or soup, and then freeze whatever wasn't eat later...or for my husband to take to work. I just don't cook full blown meals each and every night, which has helped me considerably. It's very difficult those first few months....but does improve..and you'll start feeling like you're old self again.... and if cooking was something you enjoyed....that will come back...but now you'll get more creative in making more healthy meals for the entire family. Good luck and congrats on the weight loss...that's AWESOME! Hugs....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

March 1, 2008
I have a hard time being interested in cooking what I can't eat. I eat primarily fish and seafood and my husband and son enjoy beef and pork, which I can't eat. So, I end up cooking two meals every time. BTW, 30 pounds is great. Congratulations!!
   — Shirley D.

March 1, 2008
30lbs, FABULOUS!! I feel you sister. Cooking can bring so many tempatations. Try eating or having a shake before cooking. Then see if someone can help out with the meals until you really are on your two feet, so to speak. Where do you live?
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 1, 2008
thats not unusual, You do need to cook for your family. I do and you will have to just relax and eat till you feel full. The object is to leave the table right when you feel satisfied!! you will never be able to eat what your family can. you have to stay under control for YOU!
   — obx100

March 1, 2008
The more you alientate yourself from the normal things in life like cooking...the more you will feel depressed. I was allowed to eat from the start...No liquid diet stuff for me! So that was easier for me than it is for most of you. Still I ate whatever I cooked my family only 2 tablespoons here and there. And pureed...ugh..I ate pureed/chopped food for some 6 months to a year. By joining them with the same meal (babyfood style) I felt somewhat normal and once I was able to chew my food, my entire family was eating healthy too. It helps to try to avoid depression by doing some things the same to feel normal. (Because so MUCH changes in this WLS journey) Any change good or bad is stressful...and mourning the loss of food is inevitable. I did. I was missing food so much (it tastes different purreed)...but I always knew I would be eating somewhat normal again. And 4 years later I do. I eat like a normal, small person with healthy good choices...I have kept my weight stabilized within a 10 lb range and I enjoy my RNY and the health it gave me back. It's normal to feel food-separation...It gets easier. Hopefully you'll think about what I said and look forward to cooking soon. And get excited about eating with your family like normal. Til then just take it easy on yourself...Your weight loss so far is WONDERFUL! So many hugs and kudos for doing such a wonderful job. It almost feels like you are being pulled inside out...and you don't even feel like yourself...Well, that is exactly what is happening...The thin person you always felt and wanted to be on the inside is working it's way to the outside! :) You will very soon begin to enjoy it all!
   — .Anita R.

March 2, 2008
Good job on the 30 pounds! That's great! I am 2 years post op. A trick I used then and still do now was to cook my husband's favorite foods. There are many things that he loves that I don't even lasagne. I hate it, but he loves it. So I don't feel tempted and he feels spoiled. It's a win/win situation. Good luck! Kim
   — kcox1960

March 2, 2008

March 2, 2008
After I had wls I had to cook for my family I would rub vicks salve under my nose so to not smell the food cooking. It made me sick to my stomach to smell any foods while it cooked. Even when I drove past food places it made me ill. The vicks salve worked for me and but as far as cooking I had to or my family would be as big as I was eating junk and easy access foods. So I altered my recipes to be healthy eating and they liked it just as if it was regular calorie foods. I have a problem with wasting foods. I put no more on my plate that I am going to eat. I will say that I will go back and get seconds 30 minutes later if I feel I want more but left overs taste as good the next few days as when cooked.
   — mspisces

March 2, 2008
Have a family meeting and talk about it with them. My wife cleans the house, but she was never a cook, so I have always done the cooking. My favorate ingreadents in many dishes was Heavy Cream and Real Butter. Before I had my surgery I found a lot of good recipes that I could eat after the first month. For the first month I cooked for the rest and ate my liquid meals. After a month, I cooked the same food for them as I did myself and my wife has lost 10 lbs. She was not realy overweight, but she enjoys the meals and even guest have come to try some of my new healthy dishes. I do fix deserts for guest that I could not eat, but I try to garnish them with fruits and berrys and I can eat the garnish for my desert. My whole family is use to our new china that has smaller plates, so we all don't load up as much. Your family realy wants you to succeed so ask for their support and cook for everyone eating just your smaller portion of the right kinds of foods. I once and a while will do a pasta dish or fix bake potato's that I can't even taste, but it is not a big deal to me, as I have their support an they are watching what I am eating I I can't disapoint them by slipping. Best of success to you!
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 2, 2008
I felt exactly the same way for the first 4 weeks, especially the first 2. I couldn't handle even the sight of food I couldn't have. I put all their food out of sight and had to leave the room while they ate. It was a very emotional time for me and, fortunately, my family was very understanding and supportive. Somewhere around the 5th and 6th week I started to disconnect from what others were eating and started focusing on what I could have. I experienced a powerful freedom from food. Now, I will only cook foods that I can eat, so my whole family has benefited from a better diet. They weren't sure at first, but again, to support me, gave it a try and enjoy this healthier way of eating. Remember, this is your time to kick old habits and you only have about 6 months to do it. Lastly, 30 pounds is a great amount of weight for 3.5 weeks! Congrats!
   — eddyrider3

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