poor appetite and loose bm's

hi I had lap rny on 11/16 an since starting soft foods they are going right thru had ER visit and got IV fluids I am using immodium but reach the max by mid day. nothing appeals to me and I have little appetite. has this happened to any one else and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated thanks    — soon2bslmmer (posted on December 9, 2007)

December 9, 2007
Are you doing protein shakes? If so, are they milk based or mixed with milk? I've noticed that milk and I don't agree like prior to RNY. I think poor appetite is part of the process... I have to make myself eat, generally, because I just don't think about it like I did before; the huge desire is not there any more. Good Luck to you, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

December 9, 2007
I mix my protein shakes with water not milk. Only way I could drink them. You have to force yourself to eat a little something 4-6 times a day. I had NO appetite after my RNY. but was told to force myself to eat something even if it was one bite. Take your vitamins so you don't get weak and drink the water as to not dehydrate. Best Wishes.......
   — MCraig3

December 9, 2007
Low appetite is common after surgery, for the first month or two. You have to eat whatever solid or soft foods your doctor has authorized. Vitamins, calcium, AND protein supplements are critical at your stage past surgery. One suggestion is to eat one food one day and see if that "goes through you" to deterimine which food(s) may be causing diarrhea. If one food doesn't bother you, then try another all day the next day. Do this until you figure out which one may be the culprit. Some people cannot handle certain foods, and some may become lactose intollerant so they can't do dairy product very well.
   — Dave Chambers

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